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我们有一个电子束。And we have a beam.

这是电子束。This is the e beam.

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电子枪可以实现电子束能量扫描。The electron gun can achieve energy scan of electron beam.

电子束通过干扰微生物DNA从而发挥作用。The electron beams work by interfering with microorganism DNA.

本文用电子束蒸发的方法在K9玻璃上制备了AZO薄膜。AZO is deposited by electronic beam evaporation on the K9 substrates.

并对电子束刻蚀系统制作数字像元全息图的优缺点加以讨论。The advantage and disadvantage of EBL digital pixel hologram is discussed.

因此我们最好别叫它电子束,而是阴极射线。So rather than calling this an electron beam, this was called a cathode ray.

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电子束在其表面反弹,完美展现出它的微小容貌。The beam is bounced of the surface, mapping out perfectly its tiny features.

电子束曝光机是纳米构图技术的重要途径之一。Nanolithography technology is one of the main areas of nanostructure research.

扫描电子显微镜是通过扫描聚焦在物体上的电子束来工作的。The microscope works by scanning a focused beam of electrons across an object.

现在来重复一下实验,仅在这次我们得到了电子束。And now we repeat the experiment, only this time we come with an electron beam.

食品通过短暂地暴露在x射线、γ射线或电子束来进行辐照杀菌。Food is irradiated by brief exposure to X-rays, gamma rays or an electron beam.

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本文研究了电子束蒸铝MOS结构的热电子雪崩注入的界面效应。This Paper studies interface effect of avalanche hot electron in MOS structures.

用电子束辐射唐菖蒲种球,研究唐菖蒲的诱变育种。Technique of mutation breeding in gladiola was studied by means of electron beam.

追求更高的分辨率是电子束曝光研究的核心内容。Approaching higher resolution is the critical issue for electron-beam lithography.

利用电子束曝光机完成有关邻近效应的实验。The proximity effect in the E-beam lithography system was verified by experiments.

本文就电子束CT的原理和临床应用作一介绍。This paper is intended to introduce the principle and clinical applications of EBT.

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为满足纳米级电子束曝光系统的要求,设计了高速图形发生器。The high speed Patten Generator is designed for nanometer E-beam lithography system.

下阀杆穿透横膈膜,通过电子束焊接来同横膈膜密封在一起。The lower stem pierces the diaphragms and is sealed to the diaphragms bye-beam welding.

利用SDS-3电子束曝光机完成有关邻近效应的试验。The proximity effect in the SDS-3 E-beam lithography system is verified by experiments.