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金子不都能闪亮。All gold is not glitter.

簇新的一天,闪亮登场!A new day ! Rise and shine!

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班纳特太太的眼睛闪亮了起来。Mrs. Bennet's eyes sparkled.

一座闪亮的新体育场。A shiny, new national stadium.

暴风呼啸或繁星闪亮。Storm-darken'd or starry bright.

主人的屠刀闪亮亮要宰我的羊。My master waits and holds a knife.

闪亮的新操作系统并不惹人喜爱Shiny New OSes Don't Generate Love

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闪亮金音详细的硬件。Shiny gold-tone detailed hardware.

这就是我,一个闪亮的女生。This is I, glistens female student.

他左手边的转向灯正在闪亮。His left-hand indicator is flashing.

凭你的白须和闪亮的眼睛。By thy long beard and glittering eye.

美丽的小星个个闪亮。Beautiful twinkle of each little star.

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红色的闪电闪亮我的血。Red lightning lighten'd thro' my blood.

今夜她又在我的空间闪亮。Tonight she glitters again in my space.

这朵花是由锡制成的,如星光一样闪亮。It was made of tin and shone like a star.

天空又一声巨响,心锁又闪亮退场!I entered gloriously with blare in the sky.

街灯突然闪亮。The street was illuminated by streetlights.

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夜空中布满了闪亮的星星。The black sky was strewn with twinkle stars.

过于闪亮显得太一本正经了。There is a humourlessness to too much sheen.

在树顶上,每个家庭装饰一个闪亮的星。At the top of tree, many families put a star.