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言词冗赘的演讲者、讲话、文体。A verbose speaker, speech, style.

他为她的无礼言词而板起面孔。He stiffened at her rude remarks.

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不要相信他那伪善的言词。Don't believe his pharisaic words.

他以客气的言词回答。His reply was couched in polite terms.

他的言词终于引发了她的敌意。His word finally foment her hostility.

艾丽斯用谦逊的言词为自己辩解。Iris excused herself with humble words.

他的言词终于引发了她的敌意。His words finally fomented her hostility.

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我们的言词是我们信仰的一种表述。Our speech is an expression of our faith.

此人的美德让他的言词黯然失色。The virtue of theman elided with his words.

他以非常礼貌的言词表达了自己的要求。He couched his request in very polite terms.

人们不会相信言词过甚的人。People will not believe a man who exaggerates.

散布他的言词,使得非信徒离开地球。Spread his word for non-believers left on earth.

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我们对上帝的信仰通过我们的言词来表达。Our faith in God is expressed through our speech.

他把一个敏感而言词犀利的记者演得完美无缺。He is perfect as the sensitive but strong reporter.

他一有机会,总爱说一些温和的讥诮言词。He was gifted, on occasion, with a gentle raillery.

千万不用害怕接受尖酸刻薄言词的考验。Never be afraid to test yourself by your critic's words.

兄弟们啊!让行为而非言词作为你们的华饰吧!Say, O, brethren! Let deeds, not words, be your adoring.

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假仁假义的微笑、言词、人、抗议信。A sanctimonious smile, remark, person, letter of protest.

之所以称之为非言语交际,是因为它不涉及言词。Non-verbal, because it does not involve the use of words.

他试著说出被縳上重担的言词,所有的。Bound with all the weight of all the words he tried to say.