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制造长、中、短油性醇酸树脂、松脂、安尔油和干性油。It is mainly used for short, medium and long oil alkyd resins, tall oils.

同时,采用QF-1毛细管柱将松脂中长叶松酸和左旋海松酸加以分离。Palutric acid and levopimaric acid were isolated with QF 1 capillary column.

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珍珠岩矿包括珍珠岩,黑曜岩和松脂岩。The pearl ore includes the pearlite, shines black the crag and the pitchstone.

在古埃及,松脂岩仍是最为孩子们喜爱的运动。In ancient Egypt , as ever , where pitching stone was a favourite children's game.

一种有机物质。它是一种含一些有关松脂的古代树木的石化松脂。It is an organic substance and is a petrified rosin of ancient trees related to rosin.

产品,如松脂或松脂制品,最初用来填塞木制船舶的隙缝。Products, such as turpentine or pitch, originally used to caulk the seams of wooden ships.

本文研究了中国五针松组松脂的化学特征。Chemical characteristics of oleoresins of sect, strobus in Chinese pine species were studied.

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为松树的种鉴定、松脂产量的预测建立了一个快捷、简便、科学的测试新方法。It is a fast, simple and accurate method on breed variety and forecast of turpentine's output.

油漆-颜料,干性油,聚合物,树脂,松脂制品,纤维素酯,以及油墨载体。Paint-Pigments, Drying Oils, Polymers, Resins, Naval Stores, Cellulosic Esters, and Ink Vehicles.

用合成松脂制成的鸟喙也许能让这只鸟重返野外生存。The beak, which was created from synthetic resin, may allow the bird to return to life in the wild.

松脂味浓郁的牛肉汤将一道准酒馆菜肴演变为少女初涉晚宴般的喜悦。The resin-heavy broth transforms would-be standard pub fare into a debutante’s delight of a dinner.

竹盐中含有天然硫磺和松脂的成分,可以中和、化解身体内的重金属毒素。Bamboo salt contains natural sulfur and turpentine, can dissolve inside the body, and the metal toxins.

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硝酸是否能损坏已经混合了松脂和亚麻籽的清漆?Will Nitiric acid destroy a ready mixed oil varnish with the turpentine and linseed oil already mixed in?

我从厨房后面的楼梯进入地下演奏室,拿起闪烁着松脂光泽的小提琴。I went down the kitchen back stairs to my studio and picked up the violin, which sparkled with rosin dust.

采用STD总线工业控制机对松脂间歇蒸馏系统实行自动控制。This paper deals with the automatic control system for batch distillation of oleoresin by STD bus microcomputer.

在用作油漆、可挥发性溶剂以及油彩刷的清洁剂等方面,松脂比石油效果更好。Oil of turpentine is favoured over petroleum solvents as an oil-paint thinner, varnish solvent, and Brush cleaner.

治虫和采松脂相结合,更是为长时期采用这种方法提供了良好的途径。The combination of controlling insects and resin tapping provides a well way to apply the method for a longer period.

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我喜欢闻松脂和黑色润滑油味道,喜欢闻羊毛制服的霉味和潮湿的黄铜喇叭的扑鼻气味。I loved the smell of cork grease and slide oil, of musty woolen uniforms, and the tangy dankness of brassy horn bells.

鹿皮与松脂制品由卡罗来纳出口,大量的生铁从切萨皮克地区运出。Deer-skins and naval stores were exported from the Carolinas, and iron in quantity was shipped from the Chesapeake region.

鹿皮与松脂制品由卡罗来纳出口,大量的生铁从切萨皮克地区运出。Deer-skins and naval stores were exported from the Carolinas , and iron in quantity was shipped from the Chesapeake region.