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外交邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.

星期六的邮袋早已轻于工作日。Postbags are already lighter on Saturdays than on weekdays.

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第十条领事邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。Article 10 The consular bag shall not be opened or detained.

内置游戏邮袋和胸部有三个人叫吊带袋。Built-in game pouch and chest pocket with three call lanyards.

然后密封条密封邮袋开口周围生设备。Sealing bars then seal the pouch openings around the fitments.

我有一个附加的邮袋将要使用的类型样本。I have attached a sample of the type of pouch that will be used.

第十条领事邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。Article 10. The consular bag shall be neither opened nor detained.

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第二十九条外交邮袋免予安全检查。Article 29 Diplomatic mail bags are exempted from security inspection.

睡觉前,我的这三封信都送进了船上的邮袋。Before I slept, my three letters went into our ship's office mail sack.

我已经做了科拉尔,增加更多的皱纹,并增加了一个邮袋的武器。I've done the colar, added more wrinkles, and added a pouch on the arms.

邮袋自动化分拣在设备选型方面,一直存在较大的争议。It is still disputed on issues of mail-bag automatic sorting machine type selection.

指邮政日戳、邮政夹钳和邮袋。Special postal articles refer to postal date-marks, postal tongs FOR lead sealing and postal bags.

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通常情况下,步兵进行一鼓枪和邮袋或口袋里有几个方块杂志。Usually, infantrymen carried one drum in the gun and some box magazines in the pouches or pockets.

新西兰克赖斯特彻奇802,专用邮袋4716,赫兹新西兰有限公司,隐私服务部总监。Director, Privacy Services, Hertz New Zealand Ltd. , Private Bag 4716, Christchurch, New Zealand 802

如领事官员拒绝此项要求,领事邮袋应予退回至原发送地点。If this request is refused by the consular officer, the bag shall be returned to its place of origin.

保持均衡的邮袋,因为它们是悬浮在舱室转达转达墨盒。The pouches remain equalized, as they are conveyed suspended in compartments by conveying cartridges.

我们要采购艺术节的装饰,缎带,装饰的弓箭,织物袋和邮袋。彩带和鞋带。We want to buy Festival Decoration, Ribbons, Decorative Bows, Fabric Bags and Pouches. Ribbons and Laces.

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国际邮袋出入境、开拆和封发,应当由海关监管。The Customs shall supervise the entry and exit, opening, sealing and dispatching of international mailbags.

睡觉前,我的这三封信都送进了船上的邮袋。我们抵达图拉吉岛后都寄了出去。Before I slept, my three letters went into our ships office mail sack. They got mailed when we reached Tulagi Island.

如上所述,邮袋使用了站立的形式和有一个明确的底部节点,让消费者查看酱油内。As noted, the pouch uses a standup format and has a clear-bottom gusset that allows consumers to view the sauce inside.