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扪心自问,这批评是对的吗?Ask if the criticism is helpful.

我想起我夜间的歌曲,扪心自问。I remembered my songs in the night.

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老师,请扪心自问,耶稣会怎么做?Sir, ask yourself, what will Jesus do?

扪心自问难道你们不一样是投火的飞蛾么?Ask yourself are you not moths as well?

此刻这张打皱的明信片却促我重新扪心自问。The wrinkled postcard now made me reconsider.

面对那些疯子的墙时,请扪心自问。Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.

你是否扪心自问过,为什么你要做现在所做的一切?Have you ever wondered why you do all that you do?

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他扪心自问,他看着周围的村庄,每个家庭都是残缺不堪的。He asked himself. He looked around in the village.

这是我们应该经常扪心自问的话题。This is what we should always ask ourselves topic.

那请扪心自问,我为什么要投票If you can introspect and ask, why is it that I vote?

你需要扪心自问的问题还不止这些?The questions you have to ask yourself don't end there.

然后扪心自问,这个国家能在美国的土地上击败美国吗。Then ask yourself, can this country defeat the USon USsoil.

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但是,现在我们必须扪心自问,这个派对能继续多久?"But we may now ask ourselves, how long can this party last?

扪心自问,我们对得起这份收入吗?Just ask ourselves whether we really deserve the pay we receive.

请继续扪心自问,关于工作的本质意义问题。Continue to ask yourself hard questions about the nature of work.

如果我们扪心自问,我们凭什么相信灵魂存在If we ask ourselves, "What reasons do we have to believe in a soul?"

我们应当扪心自问,为什么在校园枪击案中,持枪歹徒几乎都是男性?Why, we should ask, are the gunmen in school massacres almost always male?

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进入这个过程的有效方法就是扪心自问一些棘手的问题。A good way to begin this process is by asking yoruself some tough questions.

我们可以在这儿停一会儿,扪心自问,你是一名“真正的”基督教徒吗?May we pause here a moment to earnestly inquire if you are a "real" Christian?

扪心自问,你真的需要30英尺高,而又光纤闪耀能唱歌的雪人吗?Ask yourself if you really need that 30 foot inflated, glowing, singing snowman.