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一切都兼收并蓄,但所有一起工作。It's all eclectic, but it all works together.

也许最佳的答案是对五种方法采取兼收并蓄的态度。Probable the best answer is a synthesis of all five.

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现代主义艺术表现为即兴、兼收并蓄、不屑虔敬。Modernism in the arts was improvisational, eclectic, and irreverent.

这些设计中的兼收并蓄意味着难以界定一个总体的风格。The eclecticism of the designs means it is difficult to define one overall look.

粤绣在长期的发展过程中,受到各民族民间艺术的影响,在兼收并蓄、融会贯通的基础上,逐渐形成了自身独特的艺术风格。Influenced by national folk art, Yue embroidery formed its own unique characteristics.

和校园里的开发实验室不同,微软OSS实验室兼收并蓄了各种各样的硬件。Unlike some of the build-labs on campus, the OSS Lab contains an eclectic variety of hardware.

我们要尊重各种文明,平等相待,互学互鉴,兼收并蓄,推动人类文明实现创造性发展。We should draw inspirations from each other to boost the creative development of human civilization.

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他们的节目兼收并蓄,既有室内音乐经典曲目,也有少见或不同寻常的作品。The programming is eclectic mixing together classical chamber repertoires with rare and unknown pieces.

唐时对异族服饰的兼收并蓄,对丰富和发展我国民族服饰文化有着深远的影响。Tang clothing of mixed eclectic, to enrich and develop our national dress culture has far-reaching impact.

“纳西古乐”是纳西族在漫长的历史长河中对各种优秀文化兼收并蓄的多元化相融汇的艺术结晶。"Naxi ancient music" Naxi are at a long history of eclectic variety of fine cultural diversity of the art integrated.

由于兼收并蓄的建筑风格,蒙特利尔成为电影拍摄制作中心,是欧洲选景地机会的双倍。Because of its eclectic architecture, Montreal is a centre for film production and often doubles for European locations.

兼收并蓄,精心设计,充分发挥设计在小湾工程建设中的龙头作用。Taking-in-everything, Well-designed, Give Full Play the Leading Role of Design in Xiaowan Hydropower Station Construction.

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因此要对业务价值有更深刻的理解,方能将面向客户与面向业务两方面的价值兼收并蓄。Therefore, a more mature understanding of business-value is needed to encompass both customer-facing value and business-facing value.

这主要因为日本是一个具有强烈的危机意识、单一排外性和兼收并蓄性的国家。Because Japan is a country which has a strong crisis consciousness, single exclusivity as well as ability to incorporate things of diverse nature.

瑞兽葡萄镜是唐代最典型的铜镜品种,以瑞兽和葡萄枝蔓组合为纹饰主题,体现了唐代艺术文化的繁荣昌盛和兼收并蓄。With its theme decoration of auspicious animals and grapes, this kind of mirror reflects characters of Tang's Art, which are prosperous and mixed.

兼收并蓄的康德哲学是以致广大而尽精微的面貌出场的。Eclectic philosophy of Kant is present at the boundlessness and comprehensively sheds light on the exquisiteness & subtlety, emerging into presence.

我衷心希望北京人有更博大的胸怀﹐兼收并蓄﹐和外地人相处得更好。I wholeheartedly hope that people of beijing have an even bigger aspiration, to take in everything, and to get along even better with the outsiders.

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传统文化和近代自然科学技术知识兼收并蓄,为一代雄才的成长打下了厚实的基础。Traditional culture and modern natural science and technical knowledge eclectic, for generation of the growth of his talents lay a solid foundation.

中华民族自古以来就有崇尚革新、兼收并蓄、博采众长的优秀传统和智慧。The Chinese nation has all along cherished the fine tradition and benefited from the wisdom of being open to new ideas and drawing on the strengths of others.

中国兼收并蓄,既利用自由市场的原则,又对国企大力支持,这与对持异见者的不容忍似乎是矛盾的,但是似乎已经产生了好处。China's eclectic mix of free-market principles, spoon-fed state enterprises and intolerance of dissent may be contradictory, but it seems to have paid dividends.