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我和她关系密切。I'm close with her.

他和一群坏蛋交往密切。He took up with a bad crowd.

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并且与保险业密切相连to become insurance-related.

他们一家族关系甚是密切。They are a close-knit family.

艾娜密切注意廉价品。Ina has her eye out for bargains.

石窟艺术与佛教是十分密切的。Grotto art and Buddhism is very close.

与本地供应商密切合作。Working closely with sub-suppliers to.

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请密切注意这些创新做法。Pay close attention to these innovations.

因此,他们需要得到密切看管。Thus, they need to be closely supervised.

和员工关系密切的领导才是好领导。Good leaders are close to their employees.

普拉多和黑色密切合作,在中央情报局。Prado and Black worked closely at the CIA.

这是一个密切跟进的原尾繁荣。It is a close-up of the original tail boom.

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地震与断裂运动有密切的关系。Earthquakes are closely related to faulting.

在这里,他密切合作瓦尔特城堡。Here, he worked closely with Walter Schloss.

潮流和大趋势会有利于密切关注。Trends and megatrends merit close attention.

我同兰基勒先生的关系越来越密切了。I had been gaining ground with Mr Rankeillor.

我们与供应商是密切的合作伙伴。We are the close cooperator of our suppliers.

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与四环素有密切的交叉耐药性。And tetracycline are closely cross-resistance.

结论胎膜早破与难产的关系密切。Conclusions The PROM is the cause of dystocia.

现在我们说谢谢你们的密切的电话。Now we say the thank-you's and close the call.