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他游泳。He swims.

我经常游泳。I swim alot.

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鱼要游泳。Fish gotta swim.

他也会游泳。He can also swim.

你游泳游得好吗?Can you swim well?

有游泳区吗?Any swimming areas?

我们游泳,晒太阳。We swam and sunned.

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我们在这个海里游泳。We swim in the sea.

我游泳游得很好。I can swim very well.

我最喜欢肜游泳。I like swimming best.

苏珊游泳游得很好。Susan swims very well.

她游泳游得好吗?Does she swim very well?

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我十分喜欢游泳。I really enjoy swimming.

别在河里游泳。接引。Doniit swim in the river.

在游泳中他没有游出他的最高水平。He had not swum his best.

他教我怎样游泳。He taught me how to swim.

去游泳怎么样?How about going swimming?

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它是游泳的好时节。It's a good time to swim.

你们去哪里游泳呢?Where do you go swimming?

谁游泳游得比我慢?Who swims slower than me?