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你年年犯这个毛病。You get them every year.

这台电机出了毛病。The motor is out of order.

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这个速度计有毛病。The speedometer is faulty.

这个有什么毛病?Whats wrong with this one?

你有什么怪毛病吗?Do you have any pet peeves?

我老婆不断地挑我的毛病。My wife keeps pecking at me.

他所易犯的毛病就是懒惰。His besetting sin is laziness.

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很难说出了什么毛病。It's hard to say what is wrong.

那台电脑出了毛病。Something is with the computer.

那人的确脑子有毛病。That man is definitely a sickie.

你的车出什么毛病了?。What's the matter with your car?

这台机器有一处毛病。There is a fault in this machine.

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他们又在找她演技的毛病。They tore her acting apart again.

他的毛病是光说不做。His trouble is that he's all mouth.

伙计,你丫到底有什么毛病?Man, what da fuck is wrong wit you?

我是说,那个脚指头有毛病的家伙?I mean, that guy with the toe thing?

我怕这收音机出了毛病了。I'm afraid the radio has conked out.

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她有个信口开河的坏毛病。She had a bad habit of spouting off.

对不起,我的表出了毛病。Sorry, my watch is out of the order.

这台机器出什么毛病了?What's the trouble with the machine?