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工作和休息齐头并进,相得益彰。Work and rest go together, hand in hand.

一个灯两个灯几个灯一打之后,这个房子不见了,这个房子完全是个假的',相得益彰。When several lights are done, the room disappears.

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和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。The colour works best teamed with creams, beiges and khakis.

黄色和奶油色调、米色以及卡其色搭配最相得益彰。The colour works best teamed with creams, beiges and khakis.

维生素C包裹的点心,相得益彰。Feed them to each other for a healthy, vitamin C-packed dessert.

二者相辅相成,互为补充,相得益彰。The two are complementary and can be replenished each other perfectly.

专卖店的整体设计与安莉芳内衣设计风格相得益彰。Store's overall design and Embry underwear design complement each other.

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梯田创造的人工风景和三杆洞相得益彰。The terraces create an artificial landscape perfectly suited to a par 3.

关键是找到一款你喜欢的并且和脸型相得益彰的发式。The key is finding a style that you both like and that flatters your face.

这个菜单出奇地冷静,精美的设计与影片相得益彰。The menu is a awesomely cool retro design that prefaces the film very well.

在英国,“汉语热”和孔子学院的兴盛同样同步发展、相得益彰。In the UK, mandarin learning and Confucius Institutes are growing in tandem.

捷克布拉格的马车与古堡般的城市相得益彰。Prague, Czech Republic carriage and castle-like city of complement each other.

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房间的色调搭配得很有腔调,与“宋女士的气质”相得益彰。"The room is tonal collocation with "song and has the temperament of the lady.

复制和版式相得益彰,给罗奇代尔一种审美的声音。Copy and typography complement each other and give Rochdale an aesthetic voice.

竹海,瀑布,奇峰异石,河流和山洞散落其中,最特别的是丹霞地貌和苍翠的森林相得益彰。Within this scenic spot, are bamboo forests, waterfalls, crags, streams and caves.

它款式大方,制作精美,与您积极的生活方式相得益彰。Its elegant style and exquisite craftsmanship go well with your positive lifestyle.

传统文化与国际潮流在这里相互交融、相得益彰。Traditional cultures and international trends blend here and co-exist harmoniously.

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石桥与碧波清流浑然一体,水景桥景,相得益彰。Bibo stone bridge and a clean seamless, Waterscape King Bridge, complement each other.

脚下简洁大方的拼木地板与繁复的装饰相得益彰。The simple inlaid floor and the intricate decoration bring out the best in each other.

这个乐队集爵士乐、世界音乐、民族音乐、摇滚乐于一身,与本次盛典相得益彰。This band's mix of jazz, world music, folk and rock is a perfect fit for the festival.