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那么说,你跳起舞来照例总得要谈上几句吗?Do you talk as a rule while dancing?

总得平等的对待问题的双方。The larger issue is one of equality.

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不过想一想,他总得开台什么东西,是吧?But he had to drive something, right?

无论如何,任务总得完成。At any rate the task must be fulfilled.

可我们总得找活路。But we must earn our living all the same.

有时候,你总得控制自己的脾气。Sometimes, you should control your temper.

车胎又没气了,总得打气。My tire is flat again, It always needs air.

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人生在世,总得发表一些感慨。A life, he will have to express some emotion.

总得有人想法子对付地鼠。Somebody gonna do something about the gophers.

事实上,我们总得去面对、处理这些。The fact is, we have to deal with them anyway.

你总得还原到英语。You always have to revert back to the English.

我们不能全当船长,总得有人做船员。We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew.

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那么说,你跳起舞来照例总得要谈上几句吗?Do you talk by rule then, while you are dancing?

还记得我们过去总得跟他们兜圈子的事吧?Remember how we used to have to work around them?

我们队保持着总得分的最高记录。Our team holds the record for total points scored.

亨利王子夫人,人们常说总得花时间去了解一个人。Prince Henry They say, madam, it takes one to know one.

总得来说,我所访问的中国学生都很重视实效。In general, the Chinese students I visited are pragmatic.

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总得来说不算太坏,如果便宜到150欧元我就买它。Not bad at all. I'd? buy this for less less than 150 EUR.

总得来说,这对于媒体产业意味着什么?In conclusion, what does this mean for our media business?

就好像咱们吃苹果前,总得洗洗的意思一样。Seem before we eat an apple, have to wash of sensus similar.