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她的案件辩驳得很有说服力。Her case was cogently argued.

与神辩驳的可以回答这些吧!He that reproves God, let him answer it.

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想法是在不断的交换,讨论和辩驳后才产生的。Ideas were exchanged, argued, and rebutted.

最好的幽默考虑到意见和辩驳。The best humor allows for opinion and rebuttal.

自由是人类尊严不可辩驳的要求。Freedom is the non-negotiable demand of human dignity.

要不要孩子是个人选择问题,我无意对此加以辩驳。I am not debating people’s choice not to have children.

所有的辩驳与解释都是多余的,因此我才不理会你。Refutation and explanation are useless, so I have ignored you.

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但是网页同样也传播更多的辩驳来平衡这个领域。But the Web also delivers more rebuttals, which can even the field.

但是阿尔达纳说,朗伯里的证据是并非不可辩驳。But according to Aldana, Lounsbury's evidence is far from irrefutable.

这个假设,是可以辩驳的。Now, that hypothesis, that thesis, that assumption, could be challenged.

你有权就无搜查令的合法性问题在法庭进行辩驳。You have the right to challenge the legality of a warrantless search in court.

对于通用电气来说,目前的问题是,该公司的辩驳甚至没能传到某些批评人士的耳朵里。The problem for GE is that its rebuttals have failed to even reach some critics.

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一些人把这看成是一个谜,但是许多人辩驳他的假说以为是是风言风语。Some viewed it as a magnificent puzzle most dismissed his hypothesis as nonsense.

关原之战的结果使德川家康成为日本毫无辩驳的主人。The Battle of Sekigehara leaves Leyasu Tokugawa as the undisputed master of Japan.

第五,最好为你的辩驳提供来龙去脉。Fifth, it is best to give context and explain what you are issuing a refutation to.

第四,辩驳同样可基于可靠、中立的第三方资源。Fourth, the refutation should also come from a trusted, neutral, third-party source.

但是,一个不可辩驳的事实是,这些整型手术能够让医生变得富有。But the irrefutable fact of the matter is that these cosmetic procedures can make you rich.

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但有时候呢,你们确实会想出一些我无法辩驳的理由But once in a while, you know, you will come up with a reason that I just cannot argue with.

这些理想为所有的人所共有,是人类尊严不可辩驳的要求。These ideals are shared by all people. They are the non-negotiable demands of human dignity.

然而管理员却打开天窗说亮话,辩驳他实在是想偷书。But the librarian, who believed in calling a spade a spade, rebutted that he stole the books.