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鼓手们击备战鼓。The drummer beat the soldiers to arms.

一种备战的意图在她的心里起伏。A substratum of war stirred within her.

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想要和平,必须备战.If you wish for peace, be prepared for war.

也就是说,即使你失去第1轮竞争,你仍然在为第2轮而备战。Even if you lose round 1, you’re prepared for round 2.

福州进入了紧张而有序的备战状态。Fuzhou entered anxiously , but order readiness condition.

这是新赛季开始是一次完美的季前备战。It has been a perfect pre-season to start the championship.

但是还要再过些天,我才能知道我备战法网的状态。I won't know my status for the French Open for a couple more days.

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明年打算出国留学,所以正在准备学习英语,备战雅思考试。I plan to go abroad for a further study, so I am preparing for IELTS.

大家都信他,并为抵抗美国入侵而备战。People believed in him and hence preparing war against US aggression.

目前,所有的参赛运动员已经集结在香港,投入最紧张的备战训练。Hong Kong will enter 400 athletes for the Asiad, its biggest team ever.

这支队伍速度不错,很喜欢外线投篮。这对我们最后几天的备战将是一个很不错的考验。A team with a lot of speed and they like to shoot a lot of perimeter shots.

我在备战圣地亚哥马拉松赛时用它来锻炼肌肉力量。I used it to maintain muscle mass while training for the San Diego Marathon.

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我国体育健儿正忙于备战2008年北京奥运会。The Chinese players are busy getting ready for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

也欢迎参加观鸟竞赛的老师和同学来参加备战!Also welcome the teachers and students who will attend the bird-watching match.

我只有在季前备战的时候见到他才会知道些什么。I will only be able to know something about him when we meet during pre-season.

孙武的备战思想对未来高科技战争仍然有着重要的指导作用。Sun Wu's military thought has a great significance to the future high-tech war.

我们被罚8分,备战工作也进行得很艰难。We started out with a penalization of 8 points, we had a different preparation.

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因为战争与备战是,就算最公正城市也都具备的固有成份。War and the preparation for war is an intrinsic part of even the most just city.

这名前桑普多利亚球星目前正在随同国家队备战同黑山的世界杯预选赛。The former Sampdoria star is currently preparing to play for Italy against Montenegro.

站在起跳台上,我集中意志,号令全身的肌肉进入备战状态,两耳则警觉地等待着发令员的指示。Up on the blocks I willed my muscles into obedience, alert for the starter's commands.