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环湖栈桥,逆光,南京,2007冬季。Trestle circling around the lake, backlighting, Nanking, winter 2007

论文的第一篇是关于铁路栈桥列车牵引计算。The first piece is about the tractive calculation on railway trestle.

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中心广播电视塔接近塔基的栈桥广场上,是适合滑旱冰的好地方。Tower of central broadcasting television divides more than 20 in all.

祝贺你们,这只是栈桥的一小步,却是主码头的一大步!This is one small step for the trestle, but one big step for the main quay !

栈桥划波斩浪,象一条长龙横卧于碧海银波。Pier plans Bo cut the waves, lying in the blue sea like a long queue silver wave.

“现在告诉我,”斯蒂芬用书戳戳少年的肩头,“栈桥是什么?”Tell me now, Stephen said, poking the boy's shoulder with the book, what is a pier.

徐徐走过440米的栈桥,享受海面吹来的阵阵微风。Walking the 440-meter-long bridge is a great way to enjoy breezes coming off the sea.

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简要介绍粤海铁路栈桥的结构技术特点。In this paper, the technical features of the structure of the Bridge are briefly described.

自1892年以来,与青岛一样历史年久,栈桥横跨黄海。As old as the city of Qingdao, the Trestle Bridge has sat astride the Yellow Sea since 1892.

大跨度拱桁式钢引桥是外海开敞式深水码头栈桥常用的上部结构型式之一。Large-span arch truss steel bridge is a common superstructure of trestle bridge on open sea.

青岛被称为东方的瑞士,著名的景点还有八大关、海底世界、小青岛,雨林谷、栈桥等。Qingdao is known as the Switzerland of the East, Sights like the Badaguan, the Zhanqiao, Mt.

在栈桥或者五四广场可以坐快艇,从海上开一下青岛,也是很美的。Place in the trestle or 54 can take a speedboat from the sea like Qingdao, is also beautiful.

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介绍悬索栈桥的设计及施工要点。In this paper, the key points of design and construction of the suspension trestle are described.

海滨风景区有著名的栈桥、小青岛、八大关海水浴场等。Seaside scenic spots have well-known Zhanqiao, Little Qingdao, Bathing place of Badaguan and so on.

媒体引用森林防护工人李华的话,他们已经为“猫军”们在附近的水源建立了一系列的栈桥。They have built pens for cats near water resources, Chinese media quoted forest worker Li Hua as saying.

栈桥的一头是回澜阁,它一年四季展示着古典的展品。At one end is Huilange Pagoda, a classic beauty that hosts historic and cultural exhibits throughout the year.

铁路栈桥与铁路根据规划要求布置在厂区西南侧。Railway trestle and railway are arranged in the southwest of the plant area according to planning requirement.

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介绍日照港煤码头钢栈桥行车道板由钢筋混凝土预制构件代替木材的设计方案和试验情况。The design and test for the replacing material for the carriageway plate of steel jetty in Rizhao Port are presented.

对新长铁路江阴铁路轮渡栈桥的结构和施工情况做了简要介绍。The structure and construction technique of the Jiangyin Ferry Trestle Bridge on Xin-Chang Railway Lines were introduced.

项目由接收站工程、码头栈桥工程和外输管道工程组成,分一期、二期和远期工程。Project from the terminal works, piers and trestle construction projects outside the pipeline components, sub-one, two and long-term project.