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骑士们骑马比武,嬉戏作乐。Knights joust and frolic.

生活并非饮酒作乐而已。Life is not all beer and skittle.

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快来吧,来生活,来作乐,来跟我在一起。Come live and be merry, and join with me.

他们整晚都在饮酒作乐。They were drinking and reveling all night.

回家来一路上又是那么开心作乐!And then we were so merry all the way home!

唯有一点好处是可以跟仙女们狂欢作乐。Can only benefit from fairy who rave music.

这个词同样也表示从中作乐。It also clearly meant to have fun doing it.

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他们整夜喝酒作乐。They were drinking and revelling all night.

饮酒、跳舞等作乐。Drinking, dancing, etc and enjoying oneself.

太子每日与张丽华打情骂俏,饮酒作乐。Prince daily and ZhangLiHua flirting, bender.

但是,奴隶们却有可能作乐,有时也作乐。Slaves, however, may be. and sometimes are mirthful.

安德森很小就开始饮酒作乐了。Anderson started out on his alcoholic binges at quite an early age.

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所以我和布莱恩跑去阿根廷,天天饮酒作乐,就这样过了4个月。So Brian and I hang out in Argentina and drink wine for four months.

狂欢、喧哗、畅饮、狂欢作乐了整夜。Engaging in boisterous, drunken merrymaking, we caroused whole night.

他的观众主要是橄榄球俱乐部里那些纵酒作乐的人。His audience consists predominantly of groups of rugby-club revellers.

这就是为儒家所称道的“制礼作乐”的主题思想。This is referred to as the Confucian Road "music rituals" of the theme.

昨晚他们出去饮酒作乐,直到今晨3点钟才回来。They went on a binge last night and didn't get back until 3in the morning.

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但是实际上,饮酒作乐实在是人生的一大快事。But the truth is there was no drunken carousing more honorable and fruitful.

阅读书中他们狂欢作乐的趣闻轶事,就能很容易看出原因。And reading his anecdotes of their high jinks together, it's easy to see why.

狂欢节,一个大斋节前的节日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮。A festival marked by merrymaking and feasting during the season just before Lent.