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施先生有一把锯,苏雅先生有一坐跷跷板。Mr. See owned a saw.

他们在跷跷板上么?Were they on the seesaw?

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我非常喜欢玩跷跷板。I like seesawing very much.

在花园里,你可以看到一个跷跷板。You can see a seesaw in it.

就这样,施先生的锯锯断了苏雅先生的跷跷板。So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw.

这个男孩儿让跷跷板保持平衡。The boy keeps the seesaw in balance.

孩子们常在公园玩跷跷板。The children often teeter in the park.

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因为我能在公园里玩跷跷板。Because I can play the seesaw in the park.

他们的跷跷板总是起来,但是从不下去。their seesaws always went up,but they never came down.

跷跷板一头压下去就再也起不来了。Their seesaws always went up, but they never came down.

游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。There was a sandpit, a seesaw and a swing in the playground.

皇帝传旨,比跷跷板招驸马。The emperor passes decree, enrol emperor's son-in-law than seesaw.

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只要把手指放在这里,就像是跷跷板一样。Simply by using your finger right here, it's like a little see-saw.

在你的右边会有一个两端各有一个小帽子的跷跷板。To your right will be a see-saw with beanie caps sitting at each end.

跷跷板效应有望显现炒房资金会流入股市吗?。Seesaw effect is expected to show Real funds will flow into the stock market?

在过去的两周里英镑和美元像玩跷跷板一样一上一下,起伏不定。The English pound has see-sawed against the American dollar for the last two weeks.

体重已经和丈夫一样的孕妇,和老公分散在跷跷板的两端维系均衡。A man is keeping balance on a seesaw with his pregnant wife whose weight already equals to him.

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就象跷跷板,人生会经历和谐时期和困难时期。Much like a teeter-totter, one's life goes through periods of harmony and periods of difficulty.

现在,在苏雅先生看见施先生前,施先生用他的锯锯断了苏雅先生的跷跷板,令苏雅先生悲伤极了。Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw before Soar saw See, which made Soar sore.

现在,在苏雅先生看见施先生前,施先生用他的锯锯断了苏雅先生的跷跷板,令苏雅先生悲痛极了。Soar owned a seesaw. Now See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw before Soar saw See, which made Soar sore.