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心里思潮起伏,又想到故国了。The same heart, think again of motherland.

行人莫问当年事,故国东来渭水流。Don't ask the pedestrians, to the east country flow.

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故国梦重归,觉来双泪垂。Homeland dream return, sleep for weeping and crying.

梦绕边城月,心飞故国楼。The dream around the border town, heart fly old building.

故国伤心,新亭泪眼,更酒潇潇雨。The new pavilion old sad, tearful eyes, drizzly rain more wine.

但对故国的忠贞美德,公与郑氏相比,实乃有过之而无不及。But his loyalty to the subdued dynasty was no less than Zheng's.

故国山川,故园心眼,还似王粲登楼。The mountains and rivers, hometown of heart, also like Wang de lou.

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不管他们身在何处,都思念着家园、亲人和故国。No matter where they are, they all miss their home, family, and homeland.

刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了故国的华诞。Just off the beautiful Dhang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland.

“防风故国”的上杨村,是江南稻作文化区。Shangyang village is a place with rice culture in the south of the Yangzi.

从这里,他离开故国,远赴他乡,最终来到中国,和中国人民并肩抗击日本侵略者。It was also where he left to join the Chinese in the fight against Japanese invasion.

防长甚至空运了20小瓶香水到阿富汗,送给立陶宛籍士兵,让他们不忘故国。The defence minister even flew 20 vials out to Afghanistan to give Lithuanian soldiers a reminder of home.

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他已筹办好用世界超一流的音乐吹奏会来报效故国和世界人民。He is ready to render services to his motherland and people around the globe by offering his superb skills.

于是,我看到故国广宽的大地上,中原后代于天地间引吭高歌。Hence, I see up broad earth in the motherland, Dhina children in in the whole world lead to utter high song.

你将从理解英语好不只使我们长出更多学问,使我们能补偿我们关于我们故国。You should learn English well not only makes us grow more knowledge, enables us to make us better for our motherland.

带着对故国的眷恋,生活于这个新世界,对这种经历的感受促使我创作了这些作品。I also created these pieces with my feelings from experiences living in this new world with nostalgia for home country.

罗杰供出了他的毒品供应者,那个人是个移民,比他岁数还小,是从故国的家人或朋友那里获得可卡因的。Roger gave up his supplier, an immigrant even younger than he was, who got cocaine from family or friends in his home country.

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即使远离故国,夏都也给安东尼奥先生带来家的温馨,家的舒适。Segura, who relish the comfort and homelike atmosphere of Le Chateau in a city thousands of miles away from his home in Spain.

许多人从世界各地萃聚一处,展示各自的产品与武艺,揭示各自故里和故国的文化。People from around the world gathered in one place display their products and skills, display their hometown and motherland's culture.

渊嘉黎把罪责归咎于角端,说她用剑杀了故国襄王,然后倡议废黜掉谈德德太子位直到真相大白。Yeongaryo accuses Kakdan of killing a King with a sword and suggests taking away Damdeok's position as prince until the truth is revealed.