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现在,就容笔者带您一睹未来网络信用评分的真容吧。Welcome to the credit score of the future.

但等秋天一到,凄风苦雨会把破败不堪的真容暴露无遗。But when autumn arrives, the wind and rain will ruthlessly expose the gaps and cracks.

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现在,数百人同时揭去了她们的面纱并在公开场合露出了真容。Now hundreds removed their burkas and revealed their faces in public at the same time.

考古学家探寻“第一个世界名人”的真容和她的墓地Archaeologists search for the true face—and the burial place—of the “world’s first celebrity.”

它目前已经离开了太阳系,只有大型的天文望远镜才能一睹它的真容。Comet McNaught has now returned to the outer Solar System and is now only visible with a large telescope.

扯下面具只能露出真容,真容有时未必代表真心。Tearing off mask could only uncover true face. But sometimes true face unnecessarily reflects true heart.

若家长长此以往,那儿子会认为家中真容不下他了。If his parents keep responding in this way, the son will begin to feel there\'s no place for him in the home.

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那些前往沿岸“超级明星城市”的家伙也只不过是想去目睹一番只在电视上才能看到的科比与杰里·宋飞的真容。These folks can travel to the "Superstar Cities" on the coasts or merely watch Kobe and Jerry Seinfeld on TV.

圣像的蓝本最早出自埃德萨城的曼德兰布,据说这块方形圣布上直接印有耶稣的真容。That image had long been defined by the Mandylion of Edessa, a piece of fabric thought to contain a direct impression of Jesus' face.

与其他非洲野生动物相比,豹子极少抛头露面,想要一睹其真容实属难事,这部分缘于它们昼伏夜出的捕食习性。Compared with other African game, leopards are famously shy and rarely seen, partially because of their largely nocturnal hunting habits.

明年将有一千万张票向外出售,大家会有更多机会一睹奥运真容的梦想。With 10 million tickets going on sale next year people will have even more of a chance to get the ticket that makes their dream come true.

它们是这个星球上最大,叫声最响,寿命最长的生物,但它又是那么难以捉摸,尽管身形巨大却很少有人睹其真容。It is the largest, loudest, longest-lived creature ever to exist on our planet. Yet it is elusive, and for all its magnificent bulk, barely seen.

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试想如果招聘单位能够通过网络了解并评估你的健康状况、就业能力——乃至你的约会喜好,这会是怎样一番情景呢?现在,就容笔者带您一睹未来网络信用评分的真容吧。Imagine that a company could use the Web to rate your health, your employability—even your dating appeal. Welcome to the credit score of the future.

这次又没告诉准确位置,人们会去一睹真容,照相,攀爬,甚至挖一块下来做纪念。Once again, no one is telling where the new champ is located. People will want to see it, photograph it, climb it, carve little souvenirs out of it.

当索尼娅甘地和总理辛格进入村子的时候,人们大声欢呼争着,想要一睹索尼娅真容。As Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh entered the village there were loud cheers as people craned their necks to get a glimpse of Soniaji.

中国书画文物或失传或藏于博物馆,且大多数只有一件,人们难见其真容,更不可能拥为己有。Chinese paintings and calligraphy, or lost or hidden in the museum, and most only one, it is difficult to see its true capacity, much less owned for themselves.

格雷米认为摩天轮之所以广受青睐,是因为它适合所有人群,包括家庭和年轻人,使他们从与众不同的视角来一探城市的真容。Graeme says that the wheel is popular because it is suitable for everyone including families and young people who want to see the city from a different view point.

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对于周四在旧金山苹果公司发布会上亮出真容的ipad2,一些中国粉丝表达了他们的失望,他们认为,跟上一代产品相比,ipad2并没有太大的新意。Some Chinese Apple followers expressed disappointment that the iPad 2, unveiled at an Apple event in San Francisco on Thursday, doesn’t seem drastically different from the first iPad.

我一直焦急地等待一睹此精灵盛开时的绰约风姿,然当其真容玉立,我却被玫瑰如此之完美无瑕彻底征服,而茫然不知所措。I had been waiting impatiently for this ultimate apparition of fully developed beauty, but now that it was actually here I was at a loss how to deal with it, overwhelmed by such perfection.

在众多嘉宾中,真正能够谋杀“菲林”,让摄影师们趋之若鹜、企盼隔着车窗一探真容的恐怕只有威廉王子与哈里王子的两位女友凯特·米德尔顿和切尔西·戴维。The only people the photographers will be anxious to snap through car windows on their way to the party are Prince William’s girlfriend, Kate Middleton, and Prince Harry’s girl, Chelsy Davy.