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享受过程是最重要的,只不过我恰巧是13岁而已。I just happen to be 13.

那天恰巧是个晴天。It happened to be a fine day.

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恰巧是我最近全然忘记的。It happen for I forget all lately.

她来电话时,恰巧我们没在家。We chanced to be out when she called.

我恰巧在街上看到了你的父亲。I chanced to see your father in the street.

恰巧今天吃鸡汤呵呵!心存感激,涤荡心灵!Thanks giving day the turkey should be eaten!

那时的天空恰巧清朗。The sky happen to time it crystal clearly blue.

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在价值投资法当中,情况恰巧相反。The exact opposite is true with value investing.

她恰巧在最后拉紧了绞索。she happened to reach the end of the rope there.

这是一个我恰巧碰到并且知道一点的话题。This is a subject I happen to know a little about.

洪水来袭两天之后,恰巧又是在一次非常大的高潮期。It will coincide two days later with a very high tide.

这时候,恰巧前面走来一个穷人,穿着破衣破裤。At this moment, a poor man in rags happened to pass by.

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大雄走着走着走到了空地,恰巧技安睡呆了。Male came walking technology area, happened to spent sleep.

这天,路上恰巧有个难逢难遇的过路人。That day, there was a rarity on the boulevard, a passer-by.

如果你不知道如何写诗,恰巧你的另一半又是个文艺腔,那来试试这个应用程序。If your partner demands artistic romance, this is the perfect app.

夏绿蒂正要回答,恰巧吉英和伊丽莎白走进来了,因此没有开口。Charlotte's reply was spared by the entrance of Jane and Elizabeth.

她正愁着怎么拿行李,恰巧来了个搬运工人。She was worrying about how to carry her baggage when a porter came.

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他恰巧到了这些审判官平时商议和下判决书的地方。He was in the very place where the judges deliberated and condemned.

“我恰巧发现这个情况在我妻子的朋友们中存在”他说。"I see this anecdotally amongst, like, my wife's friends, " he says.

有一天晚上,我身边的钱恰巧不够,乔治还借给我一百个里拉。One evening I was short of money and George loaned me a hundred lire.