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黑水门?Black penstock?

尼克松因为水门事件辞职。He resigned because of Watergate.

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他就是因水门事件而被痛斥的。He is reviled for his Watergate lies.

其实除了九道水门之外。In addition to the nine sluice gates.

这个事件就是臭名远播的水门案。The event is infamously known as Watergate.

你是说所有这些都归到水门事件?You're saying all that goes into Watergate ?

尼克松阻碍水门事件的调查。Nixon stonewalled the Watergate investigation.

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卡利法诺说,水门事件将帮助民主党人东山再起。Califano said Watergate would bring a Democratic revival.

这些聪明的记者们使被掩盖的水门事件真相大白于天下。The clever journalists blew the lid off the watergate cover-up.

他谈的主题是「水门、战争、及四大考验。」The subject of his talk was "Watergate, War, and The Four-Way Test."

在水门事件中,闯入行为并未影响选举的结果。In Watergate, the break-in didn't affect the outcome of the election.

即使在当年性质恶劣的水门事件中,利昂·贾瓦斯基也没有这样做。Even with all the crimes of Watergate, Leon Jaworski hadn’t done that.

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自从水门事件以来,我们试图让我们的政府尽可能地公开。Since Watergate, we have tried to make government as open as possible.

但是,水门事件之后,再拿政客的名字来给孩子取名就太冒险了。But post-Watergate, it became too risky to name a baby after a politician.

掌管此事的中情局特工是霍华德·亨特,后来水门事件中的窃贼之一。The CIA agent in charge was Howard Hunt, later one of the Watergate burglars.

水门事件之后我一直在华盛顿,从未见过哪股势力能出其右。I’ve been in Washington since Watergate, and I’ve never seen anything like it.

房屋楼上临街的一面,特设洪水时人出街入市使用的活动板门,称作“水门”。The Water Gates are for use of residents to come in and out during flood time.

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我觉得在这以后许多年里,我都因为这事不喜欢他,就像不喜欢他的水门事件一样。For years afterward, I think I held that against him almost as much as Watergate.

一位自称「深喉咙」的神秘告密者揭发了水门丑闻案的内幕。A mysterious informant called "Deep Throat" blew the whistle on the Watergate scandal.

尼克松同水门丑闻的牵连使他从政的希望化为乌有。His involvement in the Watergate evaporated any hope Nixon had for a political career.