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立足齐鲁,誉满九洲,是我们的目标。Based Qilu, famed Jiuzhou is our goal.

我们以客户为中心、立足市场。We are customer-focused, market-based.

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您的立足处要保证防止冰冻胀裂。For your footings to prevent frost heave.

你激励了我故我能立足于群山之巅。You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains.

倍特期货以创新立足。Brilliant Futures Co. is also keen on innovation.

第一,分析学立足于数的概念。First, analysis is based upon the concept of number.

他了解这棵树的每一处弯曲的部分,知道哪里有树洞,哪里可以立足。He knew every crookand hollow and foothold in the tree.

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业务范围已形成一个立足上海面向全国的客户群。Business has formed a Shanghai-based China customer base.

最初的学校立足于伊壁鸠鲁的家和花园。The original school was based in Epicurus ' home and garden.

我们所有的行动和项目都立足于这个使命和愿景。All of our actions and projects have this mission and vision.

这是个立足于证据而非立足于信仰的方法。It’s an evidence-based approach rather than a faith-based one.

整个党章立足于维护2008年宪法。The entire document is designed to support the 2008 Constitution.

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纯锡坊”源自马来西亚,立足于中国。Pure Stannum Mill" comes from Malaysia, and is established in China."

澳纽军团在尝试立足之际,发现进攻是没有可能的。Establishing a foothold, the Anzacs found an advance to be impossible.

美国模式正是立足于它的整合力和它的代表性。The American model stood out for its unity and its representativeness.

试题的基本命题思想是考察能力,立足于化学内容的自然生长点。The idea of assigning questions is based on the natural growing point.

登山者在融化的冰上找不到多少立足之处。The mountain climber could not find many footholds on the melting ice.

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在厨房餐具市场立足甚至占有一席之位是很难。It was difficult to get even a toehold in the kitchen dinnerware market.

万小雪的诗视野开阔、情感真挚,立足于西部地域文化。Wan Xiaoxue realized spatial construction of western homeland by poetry.

公司立足于农业,以发展高科技种业为目标。Companies based on agriculture, to develop high-tech seed for the target.