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这下就能吃到香喷喷的米饭了。We can have some tasty rice now.

凯萨沙拉的一切加上香喷喷的熏鸡肉。All of the above plus smoked chicken.

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热腾腾、香喷喷,真是别有一番滋味。Hot, fragrant, really not a good feeling.

我说,因为我已经问到了香喷喷的味道。I said, as I smelled the delicious scent.

我们每天可以吃到香喷喷的玉米棒。We can eat the delicious corns every day.

我的本领就是会做香喷喷的蛋炒饭。I will do is the ability tasty Egg Fried Rice.

小女孩可以看到房间的东西,桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。The little girl could see into the room within.

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道格快快乐乐地洗了个澡,而我则煮了一壶香喷喷的咖啡。Doug jumped in the shower, and I made a pot of coffee.

香喷喷、甜滋滋,两老吃了食欲大增,病体也好了。Tasty, fruity, two old eat increase appetite, body good.

闻着香喷喷的比萨味,我口水都要流出来了!The smell of delicious pizza flavor, I slobber to flow out!

自此,王秀才每天便可吃到热腾腾、香喷喷的米线了。From then on, the scholar could have a delicious and hot meal everyday.

有一坛好酒,加上一只香喷喷的烤乳猪,当然要努力抢了。One altar wine, plus a tasty porchetta, of course, should strive to get the.

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我还喜欢看奶牛在牧场咀嚼的样子,总是吃得香喷喷的,口水直流。I like watching the cows ruminate in the pasture, often with saliva dripping.

我端起了一碗元宵,品尝了一个,那种香喷喷的气味让我回味无穷。I set up a bowl of yuanxiao, taste, a kind of let me delicious smell delicious.

在一些特殊场合,他们甚至为狗喷上专用香水,这样它们闻起来就香喷喷的啦。For special occasions, they can use canine perfume to make their dogs smell well.

而佛洛普西、莫普西、棉球尾巴却吃了一顿面包、牛奶加黑莓浆果的香喷喷的晚饭。But Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail had bread and milk and blackberries for supper.

天气凉了,香喷喷的烤红薯深受合肥市民的喜爱。Day air-cooled, fragrant roasts the sweet potato depth the Hefei resident's affection.

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就着鲜嫩嫩的鱼,吃着香喷喷的片片,这不只是渔家的节日。Nennen on the fresh fish, eating the fragrant Pianpian This is not just a fishing holiday.

回到家,香喷喷的饺子熟了,吃着美味的饺子,别提那滋味了。At home, delicious dumplings cooked, eat the delicious dumplings, not to mention the taste.

在农家院里吃了顿香喷喷的农家饭后,我终于熬不住倒在了床上。After we had a savory meal in a farmer's house, I finally was able to throw myself on the bed.