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她的衣着很简朴。Her dress is severely plain.

不要过分讲究你的衣着。Don't fuss with your clothes.

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你博学多才,衣着讲究。You're well read, well dressed.

我不喜欢她的衣着打扮。I do not like the way she dresses.

他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。His fine clothes are a mere facade.

普通人家都衣着朴素、生活简单。Ordinary Swiss dress and live simply.

你在衣着方面很有品位。You have a wonderful taste in clothes.

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不要根据衣着来评价人。Don't evaluate people by their clothes.

他的衣着过于阔气。He is too extravagant with his clothes.

她的衣着与婚礼相称。Her clothes befit the wedding ceremony.

约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。John felt it hard to rig out his family.

那些衣着华丽的下人在哪里闲逛?Where lounged the richly groomed footmen?

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你瞧屋子那边那个衣着很讲究的人。See that well-dressed man across the room?

他衣着一身美丽的玄色套卸出了家门。He left home dressed in a smart black suit.

他漂亮的衣着只是虚有其表而已。His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade.

一个紧张不安、衣着漂亮的小姑娘站了出来。A nervous, comely -dressed little girl stepped out.

那个男人看似穷困,却又衣着体面。The man seemed poor, but he was respectably dressed.

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他们不应有军事化的衣着。They should not haudio-videoe military-like dresses.

穿得好不一定衣着豪华。To be well dressed needn't mean luxuriously dressed.

衣着奥狄托雷家披肩到各个城市。Show your Colors Wear the Auditore cape in each city.