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我们不能把强权视为公理。We cannot equate might with right.

由于当地其他文明的强权,希腊人被驱逐They're shut out for the same reasons.

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很久很久以前,有一位强权的国王。Long ago, in the very olden time, there lived a powerful king.

所以他说不要妄图与强权争斗So, don't try to fight against stronger people is what he said.

中国人渴望着和平!但中国人决不向强权低。We want peace, but we will never be prostrated by the US power.

最后不管怎么说,一切都是为了维持父系强权的统治。In the end, it all comes down to protecting a patriarchal order.

它是一个经过传统强权严格规划的城市典型It is an example of classic great power, absolute urban planning.

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吉尔吉斯斯坦是强权间生存的国家,而且不仅仅地理位置上如此。Kyrgyzstan is a place between powers, and not just geographically.

德丢说,这款新产品当时需要的是强权的保护。It needed, Dediu said, someone with sufficient power to protect it.

对于强权国家身份,忠实于历史是个有趣的标准。Truth in history is an interesting standard for great-power status.

面对强权和专制的各方压力,我们不会噤若寒蝉。In face of autocratic and political pressure, we will not be silent.

科学家开始研究这种缓步类动物的不畏惧死亡超级强权背后的基因基础。The genome for a species of tardigrade was first sequenced last year.

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就像东方国家一样,有一个热爱战争的强权统治者So like the eastern states, you have a powerful ruler who is a warlord.

男人有强权,而女人是柔弱的,她们能失去的东西太多了,但是我只想追求自己的幸福,我也不会让我的男人搞三搞四。Women are weak, and they have too much to lose. But I want to be happy.

在他看来,所有帝国主义强权都是一丘之貉。Nakajima said. "All imperialist powers were part of the same gang to him."

他们是被处于世界两级的强权国家。They are located on opposite ends of the world, each with its own hegemony.

是反启蒙思想、强权主义的支持者。And they also were the supporter of Anti-Enlightenment Racism and Hegemonism.

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鹰说,我是一个愚蠢的,妄图与强权较量的傻子The hawk says he is a fool who tries to match his strength with the stronger.

这些企业强权组成了一个选票难以撼动的寡头政治集团。These corporate powers comprise an oligarchy that cannot be dislodged by voting.

因此挠痒的行为是行使强权压制别人。The act of tickling is therefore an exercise of great power over an other person.