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日本的当选首相今日将完成组阁。Japan'sPrime Minister- designate is completing his Cabinet today.

在组阁过程中,布肯南没有征求史蒂芬.道格拉斯参议员的意见。In forming his cabinet, Buchanan did not ask for advice from Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois.

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在此二困境下,无论由谁组阁,恐都很难获得立法院多数在野党支持。These situations will make it difficult for the Premier to win support from the opposition parties.

但是更加棘手的问题也随之而来,贝鲁如果当选,如何组阁管理,和谁搭班,这似乎成为他优势地位的“拦路虎”。Yet hard questions about how Mr Bayrou would govern, and with whom, seem to have stalled his ascent.

这意味伊拉克有望最终打破持续8个月的组阁僵局,填补权力真空。This means that Iraq could eventually break the cabinet for 8-month stalemate, to fill the power vacuum.

拥有最多席位的选举联盟将有优先组阁权——但不保证组阁会成功。The electoral alliance with the most seats will have first shot at forming one—but with no guarantee of success.

在某些民主国家,执政联盟在一年内几次组阁和解散是常见现象。In some democracies, it is common for ruling coalitions to form and disband several times, even in a single year.

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利夫尼组阁失败使得以色列在年底之前跟巴勒斯坦达成和平协议的努力受到挫折。Livni's failure to form a government is a setback for efforts to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians by year's end.

昂山素季所属的政党在1990年的议会选举中赢得了多数席位,但是军政府一直不允许这一政党组阁执政。Her party won a majority of seats in parliament in 1990, but the military government never allowed it to form a government.

但在组阁权争夺中,“伊拉克名单”逐渐边缘化,失去主导政局的能力。However, the right to compete in the cabinet, the "Iraqi List" gradually marginalized and lose the ability to lead Council.

但在这次伊拉克的组阁危机中,萨德尔在伊朗劝说下最终支持马利基继续担任总理。However, in the cabinet crisis in Iraq, al-Sadr in Iran to support Maliki eventually persuaded to continue as prime minister.

这意味着澳洲工党和澳洲反对党联盟,均未获得76席的法定组阁席位。This means that the Australian Labor Party and the opposition Union of Australia, had not received the statutory 76-seat cabinet seats.

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据新华社电日本在野党日本奋起党27日会商后决定,拒绝首相菅直人的联合组阁邀请。AP Japan's opposition party in Japan rose 27 decided after consultation, the Prime Minister Naoto Kan reject the joint cabinet invitation.

然而,法塔赫的议会成员拒绝参加新内阁,称组阁未经过适当的协商。Still, members of the Fatah parliamentary bloc refused to participate in the new cabinet, saying it was formed without proper consultation.

但是,在去年十一月组阁的总理阿披实•威差奇瓦的领导下,民主党在辩论中沉着应对,顺利过关。But the Democrat Party, led by the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, who took office last December, emerged from the debate largely unruffled.

严重的债务危机导致希尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼辞职后,意大利总统纳波利塔诺授权马里奥·蒙蒂组阁。Mario Monti has been asked to form a new Italian government to tackle an acute debt crisis which prompted the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi.

几近结束组阁的伊拉克中间体官方总统贾法里已经许诺处罚官僚腐化行动。The Iraq that finishs form a cabinet nearly transfers Gufali of governmental prime minister is already affirmatory punish official corruption behavior.

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阿博特距组阁也只有一步之遥。如果最终计票结果对他有利,他将说服独立议员加盟。Abbott is within striking distance of forming government, and if the final votes fall in his favor, he could convince the independents to join his side.

上周五,野田佳彦组阁,内阁成员多是相对不为人知的议员,不过反映出了他试图增强党派团结,向反对党示好。On Friday, Mr. Noda chose a Cabinet of relatively unknown lawmakers, but one that reflects his attempts to promote party unity and court the opposition.

处于所谓“民选专政”下的英国,其保守党很有可能组阁下一届政府,从而接手一团乱麻的财政系统。In Britain, which has been described as an "elective dictatorship", the next government, likely to be the Conservative party, will inherit a fiscal mess.