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流氓无赖的密谋。The conspiracy of knaves.

他们正密谋杀害他。They are plotting his murder.

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他们正密谋反对他。They are plotting against him.

他密谋做董事长。He schemed to become president.

迪克斯堡密谋者是被判有罪的。The Fort Dix plotters are convicted.

威震天密谋征服地球。Megatron plans the conquest of Earth.

犯罪分子密谋抢一家银行。Thecriminals conspired to rob a bank.

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跟着撒旦密谋反对上帝。Conspired against our God with Lucifer.

敌人奸细密谋炸毁那家工厂。Enemy agents plotted to blow up the plant.

叛者密谋反对政府。The rebels plotted against the government.

他们密谋反对皇帝的谕旨。They caballed against the emperor's edict.

他们密谋推翻政府。They conspired to overthrow the government.

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他们共同密谋颠覆政府。They con spired to overthrow the Government.

政变密谋者试图夺取莫斯科的政权。Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.

所以,大人们都十分热衷于密谋策划这些个童话故事。So we adults engage in a conspiracy of tales.

他的敌人恶毒地密谋搞垮他。His enemies maliciously conspired to ruin him.

我们的眼光现在转向了那些主要的密谋者。Our sights now turn to the major conspirators.

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有个刺杀领导人的老谋深算的密谋。There was a deep plot to assassinate the leader.

密谋者迅速从伦敦撤往中部地区。The plotters escaped from London for the Midlands.

西姆科克斯说英国是恐怖活动密谋的中心。Simcox says Britain is a central hub for terror plots.