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我在街道上做清道夫。I do street cleaner on the street.

清道夫飞船名为“袭击者号”。The scavenger vessel is called the Raider.

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清道夫的清污效果,吸力大,不留死角。Clean-up effects, great suction, leaving no.

发送给您的爱人一个在一个清道夫亨特必须记住!Send your loved one on a scavenger hunt to be remembered!

清道夫正在扫掉这条街上的落叶。The dustman is sweeping up all the fallen leaves on this street.

选择从故事模式或清道夫模式,以积聚财富在战利品!Choose from Story Mode or Scavenger Mode to amass a fortune in booty!

一旦我年纪大了,我也许会像马特乌斯一样在清道夫位置上结束足球生涯。Once I get older I may end up playing back there just as Matthaus did.

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现在他们必须阅读比赛,守门员现在就是清道夫。Now they have to be reading the game and the goalkeeper is now the sweeper.

清道夫拉沿哈瓦那老城的街道上,2009年09年10月15日他的车。A street sweeper pulls his cart along an street in Old Havana, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009.

萨拉底的女儿米纳,在找工作失败后也开始了清道夫的工作生涯。Sharadah's daughter, Meena, started working as a scavenger after failing to find other work.

狮子常常驾驶操控离杀死所作的适应性,从而成为自己的清道夫。Lions often drive hyenas away from a kill made by hyenas, thus becoming the scavengers themselves.

“四个火枪手”采取“区域盯人”战术布防,布兰克出任古典“清道夫”角色。These 'four musketeers' deployed a zone-marking method, with Blanc operating as an old-fashioned sweeper.

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豺和土狼是陆地清道夫而秃鹰是天空的清道夫。Jackals and hyenas are the scavengers of the land whereas vultures are the undisputed scavengers of the air.

而中国这个美国国债最大持有人正在无助地观望,因为它将被迫成为美国的金融清道夫。China, the biggest holder of Treasury debt, is watching on helplessly as it gets taken to the financial cleaners.

他在比赛中非常全面,一旦他回到清道夫的位置,你就能够真正看出他的比赛智慧。His all-round game was excellent and once he went back to sweeper, you could really see his game intelligence from there.

在委内瑞拉圭亚那城郊区的废品集市里,出现在这些纵横交错的垃圾堆上的第一批清道夫是这群秃鹰。The first scavengers one sees in Cambalache, a sprawling trash dump on the edge of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, are the vultures.

这两人令人吃惊地又在98年世界杯上聚首了,马特乌斯代替受伤的萨默尔打清道夫。The two were surprisinglyreunited at the 1998 World Cup Finals when Matthäus stepped in for theinjured Mattias Sammer as sweeper.

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在石头原来的地方出现一条上升的走廊,走廊直直穿过几英尺厚的石板,终结在“清道夫”宅子底层的地板上。In its place was an upward reaching corridor that cut through several feet of stone to end at the ground floor of the Raker house.

候选人沿街拜访选民俗称「扫街」,通常由里长领军,一位候选人在选战期间每天要「扫」的街道比专职清道夫还多。Canvassing neighborhoods used to be called sweeping the streets and candidates ended up sweeping more streets than the road sweepers.

清道夫。准备一些罐头食品,几管牙膏,玩具,鞋子等等。把它们藏在你的房子周围,让你的孩子去寻找。Scavenger hunts. Hide items such as tins of food, tube of toothpaste, toys, shoes etc. around your house and let your kids find them.