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两个人针尖对麦芒,言辞激烈。Into a two people, rhetoric.

松叶像针尖刺人。Pine needles prickle like pins.

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针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。A big wind can blow through a small hole.

四刷毛设计,快速取出针尖结晶。Four-brush design for fast removal of crystals accumulated at pin tips.

刚体-流线减少阻力,增加核心动力与游进中的有张有驰也非针尖对麦芒吧?Move the body into a straight line to reduce drag and increase core power.

他用“针尖上的天使”来比喻,以证明他的调情并没有越界。His angels-on-a-pin distinction that other dalliances had not crossed a line.

或者可以少一些体力劳动,如针尖或蚤。Or it could be something less physically demanding, such as needlepoint or crochet.

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很快,小草又长长了一些,一片叶子的中间又伸出另一枚针尖。Soon, the grass has grown some in the middle of a leaf tip and extending the other one.

创造知识的过程就如同生产针尖,专业化能够提高生产率。In manufacturing knowledge, as in manufacturing pins, specialization raises productivity.

曾被针尖扎破的指尖早已愈合,妳去了谁的天涯。Once already heals by the needle jianzha broken fingertip, whose horizon have you gone to.

利用摩擦力显微镜考察类金刚石薄膜的摩擦性能时,存在着明显的针尖尺寸效应。Tip size effect is evident in the study of DLC thin films' frictional behavior with the FFM.

另外对无壳弹枪上的运动击针尖部附近的温度也进行了探索性的测试研究。Lastly, thermocouples are used to measure the temperature field of gun barrel and firing pin.

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随着它高调推出洗发水,它与对手的博弈开始针尖对麦芒。With its high-profile launch of shampoo, it is with the opponent's game began to tip-to-head.

党派之间斗争是针尖对麦芒,所以如果说政客们都是一样的那就是大错特错了。Its parties are bitterly polarised, so it is wrong to say that its politicians are all the same.

停下来观察一会儿,针尖大小的一滴血就是一个奇妙的世界。Pause for a moment and reflect. That red blob the size of a pin head is one of the wonders of the world.

绝缘套筒相对于探针针尖可移动,并且可以标引至少两个位置。The insulative sleeve is moveable relative to the probe tip and may be indexable to at least two positions.

正如太多的天使飞舞在针尖上一样,高级教士们努力的接受互不相容的信念。Too many angels have danced on too many pins as prelates struggle to embrace mutually incompatible beliefs.

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介绍了合缝机三角钩针的组合运动,描述了三角钩针针尖运动的轨迹。This paper introduces the motion of cam hook needle of the linking machine, and describes the motion locus of.

因为针尖刺得非常深,如果打开关节囊,可能造成感染,为患者带来新的麻烦。Because the tip is deep, if the spurs opened joint capsule , may cause infection, for patients with new problems.

对于球员在对抗赛中的针尖对麦芒,禅师杰克逊对球员的拼劲感到非常满意。For players in the match in the tip of wheat, the Zen Master, Jackson's spirit of the players are very satisfied.