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在悲痛中他悬梁自尽了。He hanged himself in sorrow.

最后她悬梁自尽遗恨人间。She hanged to death at last.

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她投井自尽。She drowned herself in a well.

她因绝望而上吊自尽。She hanged herself out of despair.

后来,屈原投河自尽。Qu later drowned himself in a river.

她悬梁自尽了。She hanged herself from the rafters.

他在阁楼上悬梁自尽了。He hanged himself from a beam in the attic.

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参战,她在一处公园开枪自尽Enter the war and she shoots herself in a park

警方表示,他们到达枪杀案现场时歹徒已饮弹自尽。Police say he killed himself when they arrived.

带着绝望的心,她上吊自尽了。Taking acedia heart, commit suicide of her hang oneself.

孟姜女彻底绝望,投海自尽。Meng was driven to despair and threw herself into the sea.

她由于绝望而投河自尽。She threw into river and killed herself because of despair.

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王后一个人悄悄走向海边,迎接着爱琴海的浪涛,蹈水自尽了。The Queen went to the beach and jumped into the Aegean Sea.

Cobain在1994饮弹自尽结束了他光辉的生涯。Cobain shot himself in 1994 and ended his successful career.

警方称这名持枪男子已经身亡,似乎是饮弹自尽了…Police say the gunman is dead and appears to have shot himself.

绑匪是尤丽亚的家教老师,见事情败露便跳楼自尽。The kidnapper is yulia tutor, see his jump off a building suicide.

吴月娘见行刺不成,便投河自尽了。Wu Bright Moon, see the assassination fail, then plunge a suicide.

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最后她悬梁自尽遗恨在人间。Finally she hanged herself from the rafters and grudged in the world.

我现在命令你死,你赶快跳海自尽吧!Now I command you to die! Quickly jump into the ocean and kill yourself!

因为屈原在世的时候碰到昏君,所以他才要自尽。When Qu Yuan was alive, he met a bad King. So, he had to commit suicide.