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不需要开瓶停放过程。No need to decant.

曲奇饼成形机过程。Cookie cutter process.

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在这个过程中我并不孤单。I'm not alone in this.

享受过程是最重要的,只不过我恰巧是13岁而已。I just happen to be 13.

子过程的名称。The name of sub-process.

不变的过程风险。Unchanging process risk.

这是个终身的过程。It's a life-long process.

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只要把上面的过程反过来。Just reverse the process.

是一个多步过程。It's a multi-step process.

最后,享受这个过程。Lastly, enjoy the process.

在讲演过程中,他离开了。He left during the lecture.

这是一个统计学过程It's a statistical process.

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可能用MATLAB编过程了?Maybe programmed in MATLAB?

这个过程是升华。This is called sublimation.

这是个令人沮丧的过程。It is a dispiriting process.

这其中没有说到可逆过程。Nothing reversible about it.

这个过程称为分离。This is called dissociation.

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所以我们将重复这个过程。And so we're going to repeat.

土壤荒漠化是一个过程。Desertification is a process.

人生是一个积累的过程。Life is like a dog-sled team.