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两人都曾出演过正剧和喜剧。Both have done serious drama and comedy.

你所有的朋友都想去看一出很严肃的正剧。All of your friends wanna go see a play that's very serious.

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真正让皮影成为百戏中的正剧,当在宋代。Let the real drama of the Shadow 100 is a drama, as in the Song Dynasty.

美式电视剧分为正剧和喜剧两大类。There are 2 main categories for fictional television series, drama and comedy.

相比扮演正剧男主角什么的,我扮演这一类角色要自如得多。I'm much more comfortable with those sorts of characters than the leading man stuff.

与此同时,历史正剧也得到了很多观众与专家学者们的关注。Contemporary, historical drama has gained a lot of attentions from audiences and experts.

武术甚至可被用于喜剧,正剧片,恐怖,在各种各样的电影中。Even martial arts can be used in comedy, in drama, in horror movies, in different kinds of movies.

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那算是喜剧混合了正剧用摄像机抓拍的很好的混合,而且都是真实的。It is a nice mix of good things captured on film sort of like comedy mixed with drama and it is real.

而“小品剧”的定名,既可确立其戏剧的艺术体式,又可使其有表现喜剧与正剧的空间。The name of "short sketch" can not only define its dramatic mode but also provide it with stage for drama and comic.

你可以走过去跟一个喜剧制作人说‘这是科幻’然后他就会说‘这是正剧——拿去给正剧制作人’。You could go along to a comedy producer and say 'This is science fiction' and he'd say 'This is drama – take it to a drama producer.

中外古典正剧类似性特征研究,是鉴于中外戏剧的差异性比较过多而作的一个“有异”的类似性系列探讨。The research on the similarity of Chinese and foreign classical drama is a discussion from different view rather than difference comparison.

也就是说,每个播放季,全美所有公共电视网加在一起,能坚持到第五季的电视剧,包括正剧和喜剧,大概也只有5部左右。So, every season, only about 5 new fictional television series, including both dramas and comedies, from all the major networks, may last into its 5th season.

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所以我们将本剧归称为立德扬善剧,以揭示我们制作这部历史正剧的宗旨。Therefore we turn over to this play to be called stand Germany to raise the friendly play, promulgates us to manufacture this historical legitimate theater the objective.

在当今的影视剧中,婉容的形象已被扭曲的面貌全非,而正剧和戏说两种艺术争论也日趋白热化。In today's film and television drama, Wanrong has distorted the image of the entire non-appearance, and the two are Joking Remarks drama and the arts have become increasingly heated controversy.