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应考的人很多。Many sat for the examination.

我做的一切就是学习和应考。All I is study and take exams.

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我做的一切就是学习和应考。All I do is study and take exams.

我要带蓝皮簿来应考吗?Should I bring a blue book for the test?

他整个星期都一直在拼命准备应考。He's been cramming for his exams all week.

父母却忙于建立他们的事业,而孩子们为了应考又挑灯夜读。Parents are busy building careers and children are busy cramming for tests.

应考第一阶段与第二阶段的CK考试是否须须为医学院校的毕业生?Do I need to graduate from medical school before taking Step 1 and Step 2 CK?

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如非本年度所考获之成绩,请注明应考年份。If the results are not for the current year, please indicate that the year of the entry.

上个月,77.5万应试者参加了公务员考试,竞争57个部门的职位,应考者大部分是大学毕业生。Last month 775, 000 applicants, mostly graduates, sat exams for just 57 civil service jobs.

但研究并不建议应考学生饮用兴奋剂饮料来增加心率。But the study does not recommend that those taking exams use stimulants to boost their heart rate.

应考者应掌握其基本概念、主要运算法则及其在经济管理中的应用。Candidates should have their basic concept, the main algorithms and its application in economic management.

她初次出马就顺利通过了律师考核,而与她一道应考的人中有三分之一却名落孙山。She had passed the bar examination on the first try, while a third of those who had taken it with her had failed.

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管架有限公司应将各应考者的教育背景、培训经历和工作经验相关记录归档保存。The Company shall hold on file all records relating to each examines relevant education, training and experience.

传统上,一所大学的录取完全取决于应考者在被称为高考的考试中的分数。Traditionally, entrance to a university depended solely on an applicant’s score on a standardized test, called the Gaokao.

本来就是抱着试试看的态度应考的,理想不理想也在常理之中。Originally on holds the manner which tries to look to take an examination, the ideal is not ideal also in the common sense.

就我而言,我认为不管对主考人还是应考人,考试能够显示一个人所掌握的东西以及掌握的程度。As for me, I think for both examiners and examinees, the examination can show what and how much the examinees have mastered.

参加2级资质考试的应考者,在选择正确的试验技术方面,应具有良好判断力。Candidates attempting Level II examination shall also demonstrate a capability of selecting the correct technique for the test.

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但大多学校不会提供给考生。所以最优秀的应考者常常会利用每个学校前一年的考试信息!The best indicator of the type of test used by each school is often the type of test the school administered the previous year.

舒服地坐下,闭上眼睛,想象自己已经准备好去应考,或者有信心在足球赛中踢入致胜一球。Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Picture yourself feeling prepared for your test or kicking the winning goal in soccer.

当很多应考者需同时被考试时,它是符合成本效益的,因为其难以创建、管理,需要资源和专家参与。It is cost-effective when many candidates are examined at once, as it is difficult to create and administer and requires resources and expertise.