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依凭博大的智慧和宽广的胸怀。With great wisdom and broad bosom.

我们依凭报纸获悉所发生的事情。We depend on the newspapers for information about what is happening.

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传说她之所以能得汉成帝宠幸,主要依凭的就是她出神入化的舞技。Legends say that the reason she won so much favor from the emperor was her superb dancing skills.

近现代中国的历史是一部寻求社会变革的文化资源和理论依凭的历史。To pursue the culture resources and theory foundation lies at the core of the early modern history.

自如地平衡着高调与大气,依凭金与白勾勒出君主味道。In balance of sharpness and magnificence, it outlines a monarch flavor in combination of gold and white.

原则生成于个案当中,形式化于法学理论之上,它所依凭的是一种实践理性。Principle vegetates out of cases, and formalizes from law theory. Thus, it depends on a sort of practice ration.

依凭完善的质量管理体系,以优良的品质,在超越自我中追求卓越。Depending perfect quality management system, by the fine quality, the pursuit of excellence in beyond the self in.

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另一种是指灵魂上的无所依凭,只身承受命运的生命状态。The other one indicates the rootless state of our soul, the life state that we have to bear alone the fate of life.

不过真正到了绝境,无所依凭的时候,那左脑还是要听右脑的主宰。But the really desperate, nothing to rely on, there is no right brain left brain still have to listen to the master.

网络文学所依凭的后现代主义文化逻辑,导致传统诗性的价值消解。The postmodern culture background of Internet literature is will lead to the logical dispersion of the traditional poetics value.

由于它们所依凭的方法依然是西方的,还缺乏中国学术的自主性立场,因此需要进一步发展。The three theories employ mainly western methodology. Consequently, further efforts are needed to endow them with academic autonomy.

基于这种理论,布迪厄挑战了现代艺术所依凭的哲学经典,康德美学的普遍合法性。As though, Bourdieu challenges the whole classic philosophy relies of the modern art, challenges the universal legitimacy of Kant's aesthetics.

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福柯正是依凭这种思维方式上的变革,奠定了自己在哲学发展史上,乃至人类思想发展史上的独特地位。Foucault established his own unique status in the history of philosophy development, even human thought development through his change on the mode of thinking.

在柬埔寨,华商依凭其得天独厚的比较优势,在当地的商贸活动中发挥了不可替代的作用。The ethnic Chinese businessmen in Cambodia have played an indispensable role in local business and trade with their comparative advantages richly endowed by nature.

在祈祷时,此人向独一的安拉苦苦哀求,认识到唯有安拉能将他从这种困境中解救出来,他同样知道,这一切完全依凭安拉的意愿。In praying, one beseeches Allah alone. One realizes that only He can save one from one's predicament. And one also knows that this is entirely dependent upon His will.

立足于新全球化时代的交往实践,依凭共同的价值理性,自下而上地寻求普遍的道德价值准则。The code of moral values should be sought after from bottom to top on the basis of the intercourse in a new age of globalization as well as common rationality of value.

如果你擅长创造性思维,喜欢鼓舞和引导他人,乐于尝试用不同的方法完成任务,善于依凭直觉做出决策,那么,你便拥有了成为一名优秀领导者的潜质。If you thrive on thinking creatively, inspiringand guiding people, experimenting with different approaches, and making intuitivedecisions, you are on the way to being a leader.

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这三种“科学小说”各有缺陷,随着时代的发展逐渐走向衰落,或失去所依凭的外在环境而消失,或被其他文类所吞噬。The three kinds of "scientific romance" had their own defect, they were on the wane, disappeared through the lost of dependable external environment, or devoured by other genres.

新的认知是,计划组织与价格机制可以在一个经济体里共存并用,并以实际的运行成本为依凭来划清彼此之间的界线。A new understanding is that regulation by plan and price mechanism can co-exist in an economic unit, and one needs to rely on the cost of operation to draw the distinction between the two.