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在CIFS协议中指一个子文件。A subfile in the CIFS protocol.

中指和姆指。Middle finger exactly and your thumb.

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把你的中指放在我的私处…Now put your index finger on my clit.

对某人比出中指是非常不礼貌的。It is very impolite to give someone the finger.

在她转过身时,恩佐对她竖起了中指。When she turned her back, Enzo flipped her off.

比如不要在一个法官面前亮出你涂有“FU”字样的中指!Don't wear an "FU" manicure in front of a judge!

印刷技术中指专用铅字面的一种加粗形式。In printing, a heavier version of a particular typeface.

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用食指和中指做出V的形状---表示胜利。Make the V sign with your middle and index finger---Victory.

用中指和拇指滚动揉搓你的阴蒂。Finger roll your clitoris between the index finger and thumb.

于是你最后一次看到她的时候,她也像一只蚂蚁,巨大的蚂蚁,朝你竖着中指的蚂蚁。The last you saw of her was a giant ant, giving you the finger.

我们的清单上遗漏了些什么?请在下面的评论中指出来。What have we left off the list? Let us know in the comments below.

将这段悬挂着的牙线卷在另外一只手的中指上。Wind the dangling floss around the middle finger of the other hand.

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另请注意,您必须显式地在扩展名中指定点。Also note that you must explicitly specify the dot in the extension.

那个人立起来了,他一面用中指弹去他那已磨损的衣袖上的灰尘,一面说The man rose to his feet, filliping the dust from his thread-bare sleeve

用中指轻轻地按压锁骨中间下部。Use the middle finger to lightly press just below the middle collar bone.

必须在形参表中指定形参的类型。You must specify the type of formal parameters in the formal parameter list.

我抬起右手,用食指和中指做了几个剪东西的动作。I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers.

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指依公司法或其他相关法令规定,自盈馀中指拨之公积。Retained earnings appropriated according to Company Law or related regulations.

解剖后暴露中指伸肌键和展腱膜。The extensor tendon and unfold tendinous membrane of middle finger were exposed.

使用你的食指和无名指在抖音键,代替中指的使用。Use your index and ring fingers for the trill keys instead of the middle finger.