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米洛斯是一个可以让尤文发生质变的引擎。Milos is the man who makes Juve change gear.

在2011年,量变将引起质变。In 2011, quantity will finally turn into quality.

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那么,你要如何抱着质变的决心来追求这样的目标呢?So how would you pursue such a goal as a quantum leaper ?

在他看来,这个转变不仅仅是量变,更是质变。The shift, to his mind, is one of kind, not just of degree.

从量变到质变是摆在我们面前的首要任务。Moving from quantity to quality is the immediate task before us.

知识经量变到质变,会产生一个转折点,上升为一种顿悟。There seemed to be a tipping point that turned my knowledge into a Knowing.

量变引起质变,所有这些合理的问题堆积起来就会达到失去工作的关键量。All of these reasonable issues can add up to a critical amount of lost work.

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可以说拜是一个量变的过程,而忏是一个质变的过程。Bowing is some kind of quantitative change, while repentance is a qualitative change.

第一、量变是质变的前提和必要准备。Quantitative change is the premise and necessary preparations for qualitative change.

炼金术透过十二个进化阶段来转变意识和质变身体。Alchemy transforms consciousness and transmutes the body through 12 Steps of Evolution.

而对温格而言,本特纳在上个月可谓发生了质变。And according to manager Wenger, Bendtner has improved dramatically over the last month.

但婆婆到来后,温馨的小家生活开始发生质变。But after the mother-in-law comes, small sweet life begins to produce qualitative change.

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然而,长期以来,量变并没带来质变的递增。Over time, however, these quantitative changes turn into non-incremental qualitative changes.

国亡之后,词人群体特征的内涵发生了质变。After the perishing of the Song Dynasty, the intension of group feature had a qualitative change.

经分析发现,煤质变差,煤泥量大幅度增加是影响精煤产率的关键。The key reasons of lowing of cleaned ratio coal were bad coal quality and large increase in sludge.

对于某些人来说,大腿内侧,腹股沟区,膝盖,肘部,腋下等肤质变得淡黑是个扰人的问题。Some women are troubled by the darkening of their inner thighs, groins, knees, elbows, armpits, etc.

关于脑细胞是如何被质变的神经疾病杀死的奥秘跟这没有什么不同。The mystery of how brain cells are killed off by degenerative neurological diseases is no different.

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这样癌细胞就会在体内存活下来,最后由量变到质变。This cancer cells will survive in the body, and finally from the quantitative to qualitative change.

设计是一个过程,是从量变到质变、实现突变的过程。Design is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change and realize the process of mutation.

最令人印象深刻的是,有一次他认为如果水质变干净了,那么意外溺水将会增多。Most memorably, he once argued that if the water were made cleaner, accidental drownings would increase.