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为什么仙乐说他杀了她?Why XianLe said he killed her?

在我们耳中,鲸和海豚的叫声如同仙乐般美妙。The songs of whales and dolphins can be beautiful to the ear.

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古时候的人们相信星星在演奏一曲无声的仙乐。The ancients believed the planets were playing out a silent celestial song.

伴随着悦耳动听的声声仙乐,我们步入了梦幻世界般的瑶池仙境、仙水宫。With the melodious songs, we are entering the dream-like Jasper Lake Fairyland.

落潮时,这里则浪轻风和,水声哗哗,此起彼伏,如同仙乐。Luo Chao , and here the waves Qingfeng, acoustic Huahua, to break out, as Xianyue.

祝福您的圣诞像仙乐般美好,祝福您的心中永远快乐,年复一年,随着时轮飞转!May your Christmas be merry as a song, And your heart be happy the whole year long!

问天、无道、仙乐、荣狄四路人马都向天山挨近!True, no way, XianLe, honor to sardis four ways of horses and all tianshan mountains near!

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仙乐说本人不克不及走,本人走了,南越国就会乱,荣狄的祖先不会饶恕他们!His XianLe said I walk, I go as, NaYueGuo will mess, sardis ancestors will not honor forgive them!

荣狄再要跟着仙乐,仙乐说此去天山非常风险,但愿荣狄不要跟来!Glory to follow XianLe sardis again, XianLe said the risk, I wish to tianshan very sardis don't honor to!

在幽雅环境中,犹如仙乐飘飘,带给您轻松,愉悦,温馨的美妙享受。In the elegant environment, with beautiful music, it brings you're the easy, favorable and warm enjoyment.

卫辽欲杀荣狄,眼看荣狄不敌,仙乐忽然出手,将卫辽击退!Sardis Who would kill honor liao sardis, see not, XianLe suddenly sardis honor guard, slashing liao repelled!

所以当荣狄带人追杀本人的时分,仙乐最终选择了维护荣狄,将本人杀死!So when honor with people after my sardis afternoon, XianLe ultimately chose maintenance sardis, will I honor killing!

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问天大惊,他立刻跑到仙乐的陵前,望着静静熟睡的仙乐,一滴眼泪洒在胸前!True frightened, he immediately ran to the XianLe LingQian, watching the sleeping quietly, a drop of tears XianLe sprinkled on the chest!

魔音用妖骨炼成魔琴,预备将仙乐引上飘渺峰,和时幽冥联手抵挡她。Magic sound with demon bone pancha-that magic harp, prepare will XianLe onto the peaks, featherweight when joined against her and spirits.

仙乐将本人的护身符挂在丁瑶脖子上,然后用尽最终一丝气力将丁瑶送回了南越古国!The amulet XianLe will I hung in DingYao neck, then used a pneumatic will eventually DingYao back to the south Vietnamese ancient country!

仙乐说这牢房基本困不住本人,本人但愿荣狄能命令处死本人,如许就能保住荣狄在庶民心中的位置!XianLe said this cell, I live my basic trapped sardis can command executed hope honor, so I will keep honor in the position in sardis crime!

有的还能偶尔发出一两声仙乐余韵般的清音,真有荡俗涤虑的神气。Some can also occasionally send out 1-2 heavenly music aftertastes voiceless sound, has the manner which really swings washes vulgarly ponders.

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昔日瑞气袅绕、仙乐悠扬的道源圣地,如今是面目全非,剩下的只是蔼蔼烟尘中的残垣与断壁。The holy place, origin of Taoism was once surrounded by auspicious wind and melodious sound, but now it is beyond recognition, leaving only broken walls in dim dusts.

魔音说仙乐有话,要荣狄好好做南越王,她的工作完毕后,就会回到南越持续做大祭司!Magic sound XianLe have words to say, sardis doing well in south yue emperor, honor her after the operation is completed, will return to south Vietnam continued as high priest!