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俄国曾是一个君主制国家Muscovy was a princely state.

政府的标准结构是君主制政体Standard form of government has been monarchy.

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他们反对君主制和王军。They are against the monarchy and the royal army.

那时对于君主制会有变化的态度。Then there are the evolving attitudes to monarchy.

1660年,查尔斯二世复辟,英国恢复了君主制。In 1660 the monarchy was restored under King Charles II.

君主制和海军一直是我们的骄傲。The British have a proud tradition of monarchy and navy.

在我们的血液里已不再存在封建制和君主制的病害。Feudal and monarchical maladies no longer run in our blood.

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1907年,在英国的影响下,不丹成立君主制政体。Under the British influence, a monarchy was set up in 1907.

霍布士论断,因为所有这些理由,君主制最完善。For all these reasons, Hobbes concludes, a monarchy is best.

是君主制和帝国政治。It's structured on monarchical and imperial ideas of politics.

我在约旦哈希姆君主制觉得有很多良好的意愿。I think in Jordan the Hashemite monarchy has a lot of good will.

如果遭到君主制的压迫,人民就会起来反抗。The people would rise in open rebellion if oppressed by a monarchy.

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婚礼的整个过程使得君主制的公众形象更加现代化。The entire wedding has helped update the public image of the monarchy.

汉纳还表示君主制是英国国民身份的一部分。Hannan also says the monarchy is part of the British national identity.

毛派武装斗争的基本目标就是铲除君主制。A cornerstone of the Maoists' armed struggle was abolition of the monarchy.

几个世纪以来,艺术家都被允许欢快地讽刺君主制。Artists have been allowed to gleefully satirise the monarchy for centuries.

民主政府逐渐取代了强大的君主制。Democratic government gradually take the place of an all-powerful monarchy.

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在其他的君主制国家,如瑞典,则由政府正式颁布法律。In other monarchies, such as Sweden, the government officially promulgates laws.

1965年从英国独立后,马尔代夫又以伊斯兰君主制统治了三年。After independence from Britain in 1965, the sultanate operated for another 3 years.

泰国是宪法规定的君主制国家,国王非常受尊崇和敬重。Thailand is a constitutional monarchy and the King is extremely respected and revered.