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她的腰围是26英寸。She has a 26-inch waist.

我的腰围又怎么办呢?And what about my waistline?

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以一位腰围27英寸的女士为例。Take a woman with a 27-inch waist.

裤长是32英寸除了腰围。The length is 32 inch except waist.

最近我开始喜欢高腰围的下装。Lately I've been fond of high waists.

请将腰围收紧一点。Please catch in the waistline slightly.

但是那些人腰围越来越粗怎么办?But what about those growing waistlines?

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在腰围线和侧缝上作十字标记。Crossmark at the side seam and waistline.

他腰围三十五英寸。He is thirty-five inches round the middle.

在吐气放松后测量腰围。Measure your waist just after you breathe out.

你的腰围透露着关于你健康的什么信息?What does your waistline say about your health?

你不认为我的腰围变得越来越小了吗?Don"t you think my waistline is getting smaller?

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这就是为什麽腰围与臀围的比例更加可靠。That is why waist-to-hip ratio is more reliable.

我在找一套腰围34细条纹的西装。I'm looking for a pinstriped suit with a 34 waist.

潘特腰围可能会褶皱,可能需要待解决。Pant waistlines can get wrinkled and may need to be ironed.

几周的锻炼使她的腰围小了一圈。Weeks of exercise succeeded in trimming down her waistline.

在卧室,奶妈在给思嘉量腰围。In the bedroom, Scarlett is having Mammie measure her waist.

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在前中和腰围线的交叉处打十字标记。Crossmark the intersection of the waistline and center front.

标签称这条裙子的腰围是28英寸,也就是美式尺码的8号。The label says the dress has a 28-inch waist, a U.S.size eight.

由于我腰围很大,他不可能在往下的身体部位挟住我。Owing to my girth he could never have closed them about me lower.