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希望他们可以来义学见我们,我现在非常想念她们。Hope they can come to Yi-Shiue to see us, I miss them so much now.

但是大多数义学的运转都是依靠民间运作的。However, the operation of most i-hsueh schools depended on the ordinary people in the folk.

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清末,义学逐渐淡出中国古代教育的历史。Later in Qing dynasty, the i-hsueh schools literally phased out the history of education in ancient China.

义学,是向贫寒子弟或少数民族地区子弟提供免费基础教育的慈善学校。The Charitable Schools provide free elementary education for children from poor families or the minority areas.

义学的设置更加地广泛,这使得更多无力延师、社会下层的人有了受教育的机会。The i-hsueh schools were scattered more extensively, providing more opportunities of education to lower classes who were unable to hire teachers.

其父方德为让方世玉修身养性,便将他送去了杭州的九逸会馆下属的一所义学去念书习武。Fang father to let Sai Yuk self-cultivation, they put him sent to the Hall Plaza Hangzhou nine subordinate to a free school to study martial arts.

在清代湖北义学运营中,教学设施是重点,教学管理是核心,教学经费是关键。Among the operation of the Charitable Schools of Hubei province in the Qing Dynasty, teaching facilities, management and funds are the key factors.

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这一部分从“佛教译经大家”和“佛教义学大师”两个方面对前两部分进行概括、补充和总结。The author makes a summary and supplement to the first two chapters from the perspectives of Buddhist Sutra translators and Buddhist meaning masters.

义学的广泛建立,推动了地方教育的普及,尤其是鄂西少数民族地区文教事业的发展。The broad building of Charitable Schools promoted the popularization of education in Hubei, especially in the minority areas of west region in Hubei.

"三不朽伟人"①刘基刘伯温在杭州前后达六年,在江浙行省儒学副提举、行省考试官任上,发展教育,倡导兴办义学。With three perpetual characters, Liu Bowen stayed in Hangzhou for nearly six years and he advocated developing education and running private schools.

不仅各级官学、书院、社义学等教育形式在甘肃各城市逐步建立,而且别具特色的宗教教育也在部分城市中逐步得到完善。Political school of all levels, college, social compulsory education and so on worked up, distinctive religious education was also gradually perfect in part of cities.

出资兴办义学“乡村小学校”,并出资万元,与何元奇等创办乡村改进社。He contributed money to establish a private free school called 'Small Country School', and provided ten thousand yuan to set up 'country improvement community' with He Yuanqi.

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清代湖北义学是国家与民间共同关注的慈善教育事业,但他们在其中的角色与地位却各不相同。The State and the civilian both pay attention to the Charitable Schools of Hubei province in the Qing Dynasty . However, they play different role and are at different status in it.

学界对义学的研究,主要集中于西南地区,强调它作为统治少数民族地区的文化融合手段。So far, the academic study of Charitable Schools mainly concentrates on the southwest area of China, in which these schools were used as the cultural means to govern the minority areas.

明清时期是义学发展历史上的鼎盛时期,科举教育素来兴盛的江南地区,其义学教育也是非常的发达。Ming and Qing dynasties were the flourishing period of the i-hsueh schools. Exam education had always been prosperous in Jiangnan region, where the i-hsueh schools were also very well developed.

小筛子义学工程希望所有人都可以热心这个提升民族精神的公益教育,这个栏目公布全社会对中心的公益捐助情况。This program for free education hope all people be interested in the free public education that will make the national spirit stronger. This program will publicize all the devoted money from society.