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他们被套上了婚姻的枷锁。They are yoked in marriage.

狐狸在陷阱里被套住。The fox was caught in the trap.

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带袖子的限量版被套。Limited edition duvet covers with sleeves.

搬进来了,没有床单和被套。There is no bedsheet and quilt cover here.

我记得被套还有其他冷。I remember the quilt cover also other cold.

一匹马一头牛被套在犁上。One horse and one cow were teamed to a plow.

为学习解剖学的人设计的创意被套。Creative duvet cover designed for people who study anatomy.

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对我来说,购物商场就像是一个麻布袋,我不想被套在里面。The mall was like a burlap bag to me. I didn't want to be in it.

捏住鸭绒被的两个角,把鸭绒被塞进被套里。Holding the 2 far corners of the duvet, push the duvet into the duvet cover.

而一旦与收购交易捆绑在一起的债券售不出去,银行就被套住了。And banks are often on the hook when they can't sell bonds tied to buyout deals.

适用于床单、被套、台布、浴巾、毛巾等织品的熨平、烘干。For drying and pressing bed sheet, quilt cover, fable cloth, bath towel and so on.

公司的主导品牌为四件套床上用品,包括被套、枕套及床单。Company's leading product is the set of four, including duvet cover, pillowcases and flat sheet.

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我伸出手指,找寻普瑞姆的温暖,但只摸到了盖在床垫上的粗布被套。My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim's warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress.

荞麦壳平地滑左右,豆类在被套枕套和调整你走你的睡眠。Buckwheat hulls are flat beans that slide around and adjust in the pillowcase as you move in your sleep.

在绕圈赛中,被套圈的选手可以继续比赛,但不能跟骑超过他们的选手。For Circuit or lap races, lapped riders may continue riding but may not draft riders who have lapped them.

在绕圈赛中,被套圈的选手可以继续比赛,但不能跟骑超过他们的选手。For criterium or lap races, lapped riders may continue riding but may not draft riders who have lapped them.

帕尔是个麻烦制造者,它捣毁家里的东西,到处撒尿,并拒绝被套狗链。Pal is a trouble maker, it destroys everything in the house , wets on everything, and refuses to wear a leash.

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带袖子的限量版被套。因为在床上看书的时候手挨冻可是很最烦人的。Limited edition duvet covers with sleeves. Because it is really annoying to have cold arms when reading in bed.

本公司主要产吕有被套、被芯、蚁帐、电热毯和豪华多件套等系列。Our main products are fitted Lu, was the core, ants account, electric blankets and luxurious pieces set series.

目前在新兴市场上还是不要轻举妄动,小心被套,待数据显示系列的利率组合拳驯服通胀后再动不迟。Don't get caught investing in developing markets until it is clear that interest rate hikes have tamed inflation.