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他剪去斗鸡的鸡冠和鸡垂。He dubbed the gamecock.

第一个表演是蟒蛇斗鸡。The first show was Python cockfighting.

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哇哦!这里就是他们他们斗鸡的现场!Woah! This is where they fight the crickets!

用英语发个斗鸡帖子。Send a new post about cockfighting in English.

这里是斗鸡专业网站。There is the professional cockfighting website.

纪渻子是有名的斗鸡训练师。Ji Shengzi was celebrated for training fighting cock.

一直都象斗鸡一样地和艰难困苦奋斗的人。People were fighting like gamecocks against adversity.

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斗鸡在任何情况下都是非常残忍的。Game birds are very cannibalistic under any circumstances.

它是古代斗鸡的后代,在过去一千年里,改变了很多。The breed hasn't changed very much for over a thousand years.

本论坛是最具专业水准的斗鸡网站。This BBS is the most professional website about cockfighting.

在春节比赛期间,我看到了斗鸡参赛者第一次都会使用药物。At this festival, I saw cockers use doping for the first time.

版纳斗鸡是我国著名的斗鸡品种之一。Banna gamecock is one of the famous cockfighting breed in China.

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镇长本人鼓励的斗鸡停止了。The cockfights, instituted by the mayor himself, were suspended.

它痛起来跟斗鸡脚上装的距铁刺扎进人的脚后跟时一样厉害吗?Can it be as painful as the spur of a fighting cock in one's heel?

在斗鸡博弈中,一方或双方参与人可以随时转向以避免灾难。In a game of chicken, one or both drivers can swerve to avoid catastrophe.

这只公鸡是一只“常胜将军”,已经赢得了四场斗鸡比赛。The rooster is a champion rooster that has won about four cockfighting bouts.

然而,斗鸡现在人们普遍认识是一种形式的虐待动物。However, cockfighting is now generally recognized as a form of animal cruelty.

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游乐有垂钓、摸鱼戏水、斗鸡、射猎、地方戏表演等。There are fishing, fish swim, play cockfighting, hunting, local opera performances.

几个男孩正设法在贫民窟制革作坊里看斗鸡。Several boys try to catch a glimpse of a cockfight in the tannery section of the slums.

一般来说,斗鸡在两场比赛之间有至少一小时的休息时间。Roosters are usually given a break of at least an hour before taking on another opponent.