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读取不依电性设定时出错。An error occurred while reading non-volatile settings.

写入不依电性设定时出错。An error occurred while writing non-volatile settings.

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她哭闹不依,却仍无法撼动他的铁石心肠。She is crying not, but still can not shake his heart of stone.

阶级斗争是客观存在,不依人的意志为转移的。Class struggle is an objective reality, independent of man's will.

他要搬出去住,大嫂不依,说二叔永远是这个家的人。He is going to move out, do not always say uncle sister-in-law, the family man.

不管那位母亲怎么好说歹说,那女孩还是不依。She replied, "Baby, not now, but if you are a good girl maybe Santa will bring it to you."

以色列众民见王不依从他们,就对王说,我们与大卫有什么分儿呢。And when all Israel saw that the king would not hearken unto them, the people answered the.

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他的候选人资格是建立在他不依前人足迹而成为总统的概念上。His candidacy was built on the notion that his rise to the presidency followed no footprints.

某样东西以不依循经典牛顿轨道力学定律的方式进行着推拉。Something is pushing and pulling in ways that do not follow the orbital mechanics of the classic Newton's law.

但是,在多处理器环境中,来自于多个来源的事件可能会同时或不依顺序到达。However, in a multi-processor environment, events from several sources can arrive simultaneously or out of sequence.

但是,仅仅使用颜色,不依具体情况在'便于使用'上下工夫,是没有多大意义的。However, only using the color, not the specific situation in ' ease of use ' to work on, there is not much point in.

我们组织机构的运作,不应该将那些“异议分子”和不依常规的非我族类排拒在外。It's important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter, the"Outsider", the non-conformist.

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“日欧”品牌的高速发展,业绩的迅速提升,无不依懒于高质量的产品,完善的服务以及广大客户的信任。The high development and achievement of RO depends on the high quality products, excellent service and the trust of all of our customers.

她脑子里盘算着要做的事情,心里想着做一个不依不靠的人,口袋里揣着自己的钱是多么的惬意。She arranged in her mind all she was going to do and thought how much better it was to be independent and to have your own money in your pocket.

不依宪治国,不依宪执政,其结果一定是既破坏了法治,也违反了党的根本路线方针政策。Failing to govern the country in line with the constitution will not only undermine the rule of law but violate the Party's basic line and policies.

我们都希望祈祷得到迅速而直接的应允,所以每逢应允迟延,或不依我们的期望而成就时,我们便容易灰心失望。We all desire immediate and direct answers to our prayers, and are tempted to become discouraged when the answer is delayed or comes in an unlooked-for form.

他们还断言,世界的过去不依自身而展开,而是“我们用我们的观测创造了历史,而非历史创造了我们。”The authors also assert that the world’s past did not unfold of its own accord, but that “we create history by our observation, rather than history creating us.”

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由于他天生的特性以及经过大自然仪式上的净化所养成兽性的战斗风格使他在战场上成为了一名不依惯例战斗的盟友。With his bestial fighting style reliant on his natural attributes and ritualistic purges of natural accretions, he has become an unconventional ally in the fight.

优胜劣汰,是不依人们的主观意志为转移的客观规律,人们可以认识并总结其珍贵的经验,与时俱进,而不能违背这一客观规律。To keep the superior one and eliminate through selection is a nature rule, man should recognize it and summarize the experience, but could not against the objective law.

毋庸讳言,艺术家的创作既不可能不偏不依地固守传统,也不可能完全摆脱和超越时代的制约。Needless to deny, it is neither possible for artists' creative work to adhere to an unbiased sense of tradition, nor can it completely break away from the constraints of eras.