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他靠放高利贷为生。He shylocks to live on.

他们放高利贷。They lend out money on usury.

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爱情,是一个极其苛刻的高利贷者。Love is an extremely exacting usurer.

总之,放高利贷是一种犯罪行为。All in all, loan sharking is a offense.

高利贷是指超过法定利率取息。Usury is interest in excess of a legal rate.

他说,这项法案没有解决高利贷问题。He said the bill fails to address usury issues.

他把房子抵押给放高利贷者,借款3万镑。He mortgaged his house to the usurer for &30000.

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换句话说,高利贷者就是披者人皮的鬼。In other words, the usurers are a devil in human shape.

这个石油大亨被指控犯有放高利贷罪。The oil magnate was charged with being guilty of usury.

他说,在这个背景下,泗洪的民间高利贷升温。He said, "in this context, Sihong folk usurious warming."

他去跟放高利贷的人借钱,订了使他破产的契约。He went to the money lenders and borrowed on ruinous terms.

没有收费最高限额或针对放高利贷的相关法律保护,我们就只能任由银行家宰割了。Without fee caps or usury laws, we're in the bankers'hands.

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这些建议超出了陈腐的高利贷讨论。These recommendations go far beyond the stale usury debates.

我懂了!我会报警逮捕你这个高利贷。I'll report you to the police and have you busted, bloodsucker.

江苏泗洪县,村民们形容当地高利贷的泡沫。Jiangsu Sihong County, the villagers describe local usury foam.

石国豹所在的石集乡,是泗洪高利贷最为密集的乡镇。Shi Guobao's stone village, Sihong is the most populated towns.

他还给放高利贷的王哥打电话,愿意用金条股票等东西借款。He also usury Wang Ge call, are willing to use gold stocks, etc.

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石国豹被认为是民间高利贷风潮的“爪王”。Shi Guobao was considered a folk usurious agitation" claw king".

出于维护消费者的利益,我们必需重新修订高利贷的国家法律。We need to reinstate a national usury law for consumer interest.

而石集乡的民间高利贷也就是从那时开始。While the stone village folk usurious namely thenceforth begins.