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坐席中有人献上鱼和鹅。One of the guests presented fish and gooses.

那么对于进入精英院校的坐席的分配问题呢?of seats in elite colleges and universities?

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或者说,是否那些坐席,那些机遇与荣耀。Or, are those seats, those opportunities and honors.

一同坐席的,有好些税吏和罪人。The Jewish people hated and despised the tax-collectors.

是谁为大?是坐席的呢?是服事人的呢?For who is the greater, one who reclines at table or one who serves?

场地更加现代,坐席更加舒适,观众也更愿意掏钱。Stadiums are newer, seats are comfier and the crowd is better heeled.

提示——给坐席提供一些专门的建设性的信息。TIP—Give agents specific information that can be used constructively.

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红色等有卧铺或靠背可放下的坐席。The Red level offers either a tiny sleeping alcove or a reclining seat.

有坐席的主人和宾客,有端茶上菜的侍仆。At a dinner, there's the host, the guests, and then the servants who serve.

对治理者来说,一线坐席辞职是最为头痛的标题。Frontline turnover is one of the biggest headaches for call center managers.

提示——不要把你工作中的压力和焦虑渗透给坐席。TIP—Don't let the stress and worries of your job filter down to your agents.

因此,在2010年的议会席位重分配时,德克萨斯争取到了额外的四个坐席。As a result, the 2010 reapportionment gives Texas four additional House seats.

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这些体育馆将坐落在什么地方?国家体育馆将能容纳多少坐席?Where are the stadiums? How many people can be seated in the National Stadium?

影城面积近3000平方米,拥有四个星级影厅,500余坐席。City area of nearly 3000 square meters, has four star class, more than 500employees.

她们去买的时候,新郎到了,那预备好了的,同他进去坐席,门就关了。The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

几时你与首长坐席,应记著,在你面前的是谁。When thou shalt sit to eat with a prince, consider diligently what is set before thy face.

该剧院位于英国肯特郡的马盖特,里面只有60个红色的软坐席,舞台也仅有10x7英尺,可能是世界上最小的剧院。The Theatre in Margate, Kent, has only 60 red velvet seats and a stage measuring just 10x7ft.

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但法庭上的公众旁听席上只有40个坐席,媒体中心有36个坐席。Only 40 seats are available in the public gallery of the courtroom and 36 in the media centre.

二人坐席的时候,耶和华的话临到那带神人回来的先知。And as they sat at the table, the word of the LORD came to the prophet who had brought him back.

当他在马太的宴席上与税吏一同坐席时,他们曾支持法利赛人控告他。They had sided with the Pharisees in accusing Him when He sat with the publicans at Matthew's feast.