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监事列席董事会会议。The supervisors shall be present at board meetings.

一九九九年迄今,他一直是诺丁汉加诺格力城市学院监事。He has been a Trustee of the Djanogly City Academy in Nottingham since 1999.

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监事会主席由各监事互选产生。The chairperson of the board is to be elected by and from among the supervisors.

本单元组的监事之间很少流动,或不具备相互流动性。There is little or no intertrade mobility among the supervisors in this unit group.

其次,基于准确界定监事概念是研究监事责任的前提,因此本文在第一章即着力对此问题作以分析。Chapter I focus on the definition of"supervisor"for which is the permice of the study on SR.

管理或监事的作用在整个文学的自由裁量权进行了讨论。The role of management or supervisors in the discretion was discussed throughout the literature.

其当事人包括公司发起人、认股人、董事、监事、经理等。The parties concerned include the promoter, shareholders, directors and supervisors and managers.

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中国经济体制改革研究会特聘研究员,公共政策研究中心理事、监事。Syndic and Supervisor, Research Center of Public Policy, Society for China Economic System Reform.

现任监事,香港学校图书馆主任协会荣誉顾问及社团委员。Present member of the Senate, Honorary Consultant of the Hong Kong Teacher-librarians' Association.

请参考下列流程图中对地区总监事如何被提名描述了每一个步骤。See the following flowchart for a step-by-step description of how a district governor is nominated.

九会员代表及理事、监事之名额、权限、任期及选任与解任。The number, office term, appointment and dismission of member representatives, directors and supervisors.

本会于本年度内任职之理监事可参阅第3至第4页之附表。The persons as per list on pages 3 to 4 were members of the committee of the Association during the year.

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监事会设主席一人,由全体监事过半数选举产生。The board of supervisors shall have one chairman who is to be elected by more than half of all the supervisors.

她说监事让职员们白了贷款申请中收入,换成更高的数字。She said supervisors had told employees to white out incomes on loan applications and substitute higher numbers.

监事会设主席一人,由全体监事过半数选举产生。The board of supervisors shall have one chairman, who shall be elected by more than half of all the supervisors.

拟任董事、监事、高级管理人员的资格证明。The qualification certifications of the directors, supervisors and senior management executives to be appointed.

监事是由股东大会选举产生的,监督业务执行状况和检查公司财务状况的行为能力者。Supervisor is elected by shareholders and supervises the management and the financial affairs of the corporation.

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出席监事会议的通知,应由监事长制作。The notification to attend the Meeting of the Board of Commissioners shall be prepared by President Commissioner.

必须要对相关法律进行修订,以加强监事的财务监督职能,从而提高上市公司会计信息的质量。We should revise relevant rules to strengthen supervisory board's function on supervisory of financial reporting.

从未提到的一个主要问题与管理从不生病发言监事联席工作者或组织。Never refer to a major problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers or the organization.