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沙化土地贫瘠,青海贵德脑山乡村。In GuiDe Village of Qinghai, the soil is sandy and poor.

万泉河漂流,由烟园至会山乡,长约15公里,时间约3小时。River rafting, from tobacco to be Shan Park, about 15 kilometers, about 3 hours.

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数对双胞胎七月二日聚集在新竹县宝山乡的双胞胎井前。Twins gather in front of the "twin well" in Hsinchu County's Baoshan Township on July 2.

每逢干旱时期天山乡山村的村民都会进行集体求雨仪式。In times of drought, the villagers hold a collective rainmaking ritual known as Yada tilesh.

他是山乡十里方园内有名的石匠,身体结实得像石头。He was a renowned stonemason in the mountain villages, who was a man as solidly built as a stone.

甲石头山乡村俱乐部房地产家里的光石板入口唤起传统和牢固。A Stone Mountain country club estate home's light stone slab entryway evokes tradition and solidity.

据了解,龙天友是衡阳县岘山乡燕子村人,今年41岁。It is understood that the dragon-day Hengyang County Da Shan is friends swallows village, 41-year-old.

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窑洞式宾馆“农家乐”,则为广大游客提供充满山乡风情的独特服务。Cave-style hotel, "Farm Fun", is filled with vast numbers of visitors the unique style of service Shan.

当地群众踊跃参加芦笙节活动,展现出一幅独具风情的苗寨山乡画卷。As a tradition of the local Miao ethnic group, the festival attracts myriads of people from the nearby villages.

他经常到山乡写生,画了许多关于农村庙会赶集、过年嫁娶的风俗画。He often draws sketches in the countryside and has painted a lot of paintings of temple fairs and marriage scenes.

荞山乡属于偏远地区,我们来到学校时已经下课,约四时左右,太阳都准备下山。The village was far away and it was 4 pm when we arrived. All students had left the school and the sun was about to set.

蒸湘区雨母山乡梓木村的龙师傅,三年前在自家门前打了一口水井。Zhengxiang District rain mother Shan Tsz Kimura dragon master, three years ago, playing at home, in front of a water well.

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彝族过火把节时,一到夜晚,各村寨即点燃火把,炬火散布游动于田野山乡,颇为壮观。Torch Festival of the Yi-off, one night, the village is lit torches, Juhuo spread Shan swimming in the field, quite spectacular.

在宁夏同心县窑山乡,山区的孩子们用自制的篮筐打篮球。Children play basketball with the makeshift basket made of a washbasin by themselves, Yaoshan Township, Tongxin County, Ningxia, China.

偏僻山乡也敞开了接纳四海的胸怀,外教老师彼特的独特教学方法,给观众以崭新的感受,从中受到多方面的启发。Remote mountain areas were open accept universal mind, unique teaching methods of teacher Pete, to a new audience feel, inspired from many aspects.

我省山区较多,山乡农民的生活方式和居住文明具有鲜明的山区特色。The main area of our province is mountainous, and the life style and the housing civilization there have the specific mountainous area characteristics.

“神秘洞中漂”藏龙洞洞漂、“华北第一漂”峡谷漂流和水上乐园,让您尽享山乡水趣。You can enjoy mountain area play water delight in the aquatic paradise and 'the drifting through the dragon habitancy cave', 'the first drifting in North China'.

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这是关于“中国大陆湖南省衡阳市衡阳县岘山乡杨林庙村”邮政编码的网页,以及详细地区信息和在线地图。This is a page about postal code of "Xian Shan Xiang Yang Lin Miao Cun , Hengyang County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, China", with area information and online map.

文章以徽州休宁北山乡土改后的田地卖契为根据,阐述了土地房产所有证的三个方面的法律凭证作用。Based on the land contract of sale after land reform in Beishan Town Xiuning County, this article illustrates the Certificate's role of legal evidence from three aspects.

过了双牌,就是云岭山脉的尾部了,虽然小丁也出生在山乡,但小丁的出生地湘东,那里的山岭和湘南的山岭又有所不同。After a double, is Yunling mountains tail, although small, was born in the village, but Ding was born in Hunan, where the mountains and hills of southern Hunan and different.