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有较强的自学能力和刻苦耐劳的精神。Have a strong self-learning ability and being hard working.

一定要毁掉他们强调过的刻苦耐劳精神。They stressed that we must destroy the spirit of hard work.

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她能这样刻苦耐劳是令人吃惊的。It's sur-prising that she can bear up with such an affliction.

唯有刻苦耐劳才是通向幸福、真相的途径。Hard work is the key to success and the way to happiness and truth.

众所周知华侨是刻苦耐劳的。It is generally known that the overseas Chinese are a hardworking lot.

我们信仰的是刻苦耐劳、节衣简食,无任何奢侈可言。We believe in hard work, plain food, simple clothes and no luxury of any kind.

天下没有不刻苦耐劳,很简单地就可获得成功的。做任何事情都要付出代价才能成功。There is no short cut to success without hard work. People never succeed without paying any cost.

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我们需要的是刻苦耐劳,充满活力和喜爱挑战的阳光青年。We need talented individuals who are hard working, energized, and charged with positive attitude.

主要必备素质是刻苦耐劳精力好、进修能力优、事业心强以及身板棒。The main qualities required are preparednesstowork hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.

团结勤奋,刻苦耐劳的团队合作精神是企业的发展的坚强后盾,有赖这样的团队,企业才会不断壮大。Unity and hard work are the strong backing to enterprise development. Our enterprise will continue to grow.

沟通要有高度的责任心、进取心,刻苦耐劳,不断学习,求取进步。Communication needs high sense of responsibility, self-motivation and diligence. Keep learning, you will make great progress.

长跑锻炼对于培育人们战胜困苦,磨炼刻苦耐劳地顽强意志具有良好地作用。Cultivate long-distance training for people to overcome difficulties and honing of hard work and indomitable will of a good role.

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在世界航空,人民谁得到的一些最重要的实际操作经验是一个刻苦耐劳,敢于品种作为试飞员称。In the world of aviation, the people who get some of the most critical hands-on experience are a hardy, daring breed known as test pilots.

注重道德情操,赞美情深义重的亲情和友情,弘扬刻苦耐劳的传统精神,是张欣小说主人公塑造的审美理性观照。Valuing moral sentiments, praising consanguinity and friendship and extolling traditional hardy spirits characterize the roles in Zhang's novels.

富有团队精神,善于倾听并吸取他人意见,责任心强,为人诚恳,忠于信用,刻苦耐劳,有较强的学习能力。Have teamwork spirit , are willing to listen and accept other people's advice, responsible, faithful, hardworking and has the strong study ability.

本人热爱运动,思维活跃,积极参与各项集体活动。身体素质好,性格外向,待人真诚,工作踏实,责任心强,刻苦耐劳。I am a honesty, I like sports, expecially like travelling, and often participate in each of groups activities. however, I am responsible for job and work hard.

沙龙店主需要一个刻苦耐劳、诚实可靠的学徒,为客人洗头、清洗毛巾和睡袍、混合染发剂,为做好头发的客人倒咖啡。The owner wants someone hardworking, reliable and honest to wash hair, launder towels and gowns, mix hair dyes and make cups of coffee for her well-coiffed clientele.

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在勤俭的老树爸爸带领之下,小榕树逐渐了解老树们过去的心酸及刻苦耐劳,也明白节俭的重要性。Following the hardworking and thrifty BANYAN Dad, LittleBanyan gradually understand the past hard years of old trees, and LittleBanyan also know the importance of thrift.

中华民族不但以刻苦耐劳著称于世,同时又是酷爱自由、富于革命传统的民族。The Chinese nation is known throughout the world not only for its industriousness and stamina, but also for its ardent love of freedom and its rich revolutionary traditions.

中华民族不但以刻苦耐劳著称于世,同时又是酷爱自由,富于革命传统的民族。The Chinese nation is known throughout the world not only for its industriousness and stamina, but also for its ardent love for freedom and its rich revolutionary traditions.