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这些队伍势均力敌。The teams were well matched.

双方势均力敌。The two sides are well-matched.

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那是一场势均力敌的比赛。It was a neck-and-neck competition.

两个足球队此时势均力敌。The two football teams are level-pegging at the moment.

守队与攻队几乎是势均力敌。The defensive team nearly equipoised the offensive team.

但老人又把手扳回来,恢复势均力敌的局面。But the old man had raised his hand up to dead even again.

两名棋逢对手的网球选手打了一场势均力敌的长仗。The well-matched tennis players fought a long, close battle.

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不过,现在这两个竞争对手之间的较量更加势均力敌了。Now, however, it's much more of a toss-up between the two rivals.

这两帮侵略者看来势均力敌。“The two invaders appear to be equally matched.”, ” Moffett says.

只要麦凯恩先生在投票中仍然与他的对手保持势均力敌。As long it was, Mr McCain remained close to his rival in the polls.

势均力敌,赛逢对手才会产生美。Evenly matched opponents every game will produce the United States.

寄生的抗病性的病原菌的毒力在杂交中是势均力敌的。Host resistance and fungal virulence parallel each other in the cross.

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据说两军之间的那场战斗势均力敌、不分胜负。The battle between the two armies is said to have been a drawn battle.

巴萨赢的了一系列势均力敌的比赛中19个进球的17个。Barcelona has scored 17 of the last 19 goals in the head-to-head series.

观看或打一场势均力敌的篮球或排球赛是多么激动人心!How exciting it is to play or watch a close game of basketball or volleyball.

那场势均力敌的战役持续了6周之久,重型坦克和步兵都蒙受重创。The dingdong fight lasted for six weeks with heavy tanks and infantry losses.

而这场势均力敌的竞赛将在总统大选日结束。And that head-to-head race ends on Election Day when the voters cast their ballots.

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对两队所作的比较表明星期六的比赛很可能是势均力敌的。A comparison of the two teams indicates that Saturday's game will probably be close.

如今,隐含波动率曲线看上去却是一副“微笑”的样子,说明看跌方已与看涨方势均力敌了。now they look like a smile, indicating bearish bets have caught up with bullish ones.

他想要从椅上跳起来,抄起件笨重的武器,以结束这场并不势均力敌的争斗。He wanted to leap from his chair and swing some heavy weapon and end this unequal fight.