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我先下手为强。I start first for strong.

对手开始攻击前要先下手为强。Deliver your attack before your opponent begins his.

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“我相信先下手为强,”他说。“I am a big believer in getting there first, ” he says.

1997年澳大利亚先下手为强,在澳大利亚体育场25-6取胜第一回合。In 1997 Australia drew first blood, winning 25-6 at Aussie Stadium.

所以,我们有一种先下手为强的优势,意味着我们还没有竞争者。So we have the first mover advantage, which means we do not have any competition.

岁月还没在我的皱纹留下痕迹,我先下手为强,先在岁月留下痕迹。Time is not on my wrinkles left traces of my preemptive, first in the years trace.

试想一下一个核年夜国先下手为强会出现什么情况。Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another.

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许多人都会有这个梦,想实现就先下手为强,提前几个月订票吧!Many people have this same dream and you may have to book your space months in advance.

我们的目标是在他们进球之前扳平,所以我们应该先下手为强。We aim to equalise before the other team score. We should get our retaliation in first.

阿尔泰决定将计就计,先下手为强,对付邵正。Altai decided tos beat him at his own game, start first for strong, deal with ShaoZheng.

——你不采取行动抓住新的机遇,别人就会先下手为强。Either you’re going to take action and seize new opportunities, or someone else will first.

这给了我们足够的时间去选择是缓和局势,或是防卫,甚至是可能的先下手为强。It would allow the sharp-witted time to choose appeasement, defence or possibly even pre-emptive attack.

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尤文在转会前线上展示了出色的计谋,他们试图先下手为强。Juve are showing good tactics on the transfer front as they attempt to sneak in ahead of the competition.

其他新援里,阿毛里的转会非常艰苦,有许多球队在追逐他,但我们先下手为强。As for the other arrivals, landing Amauri was tough, he had lots of suitors, but we had the upper hand because we approached him first.

我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服花钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么花那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.

——你不采取行动抓住新的机遇,别人就会先下手为强。Make swift decisions and take immediate action. – Either you're going to take action and seize new opportunities, or someone else will first.

如果你想先下手为强,建立代理并和好友分享,你可以试试。If you would like to think ahead and set up a proxy for sharing with friends who could need it, is one service you might begin with.

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反恐人士可能在很大程度上也是这么想的——他们是恐怖主义者,他们企图除去我们,所以我们必须在他们动手之前先下手为强。And the antiterrorist may think very much the same way—that these are terrorists and they are trying to eliminate us, so we have to eliminate them first.

这不过是一场争抢资源的战争罢了,而中国先下手为强。顺便以色列在巴勒斯坦也这样做,他们正在建设定居点。This is nothing but a fight for ressources and China made the first move. By the way Israel is doing the same in Palästina they ae building setttlements.

有报道说巴西主帅邓加将在里皮有机会征召阿毛里之前,先下手为强,取得这位尤文射手的信任。There are reports that Brazil boss Carlos Dunga will secure Amauri's allegiance by calling the Juventus striker up before Marcello Lippi gets a chance to.